Hi all , I have a program I have written for a question , but it has one problem I dont seem to be able to solve , the last part has to calculate the average hours spent on each module , yet it keeps coming up with answers I cant see where its getting, Please Help , Here is the code below:

include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int NR_FRIENDS = 4;
const int NR_MODULES = 3;

void getdata(int inputP[] [NR_MODULES])
{ int friends;

for (int i = 0;i < NR_FRIENDS; i++)
{friends = i + 1;
{ cout << "Enter the hours for the " << NR_MODULES << " modules studied weekly for friend " << friends << endl;

for (int j = 0;j < NR_MODULES;j++)
cin >> inputP[i][j];
void showdata(const int inputP[] [NR_MODULES])
{ string friends;
string name[4]={"Aggie","Bruce","Cecil","Danita"};

cout <<'\t'<< "ABC111"<<'\t'<< "DEF222"<<'\t'<< "GHI333";

cout << endl;

for (int i = 0;i < NR_FRIENDS;i++)
{ cout << name[i];

for (int j = 0;j < NR_MODULES;j++)
cout <<'\t'<< inputP[i][j];
cout << endl;

void displayAverage (const int inputP[] [NR_MODULES])
{ int total;
float average;

cout << "the average of each module is : " << endl;

for (int i = 0;i < NR_MODULES;i++)
{ total = 0;
cout << "Module " << i+1 << " : ";

for (int j = 0;j < NR_FRIENDS;j++)
total = total + inputP[i][j];
average = float(total) / NR_FRIENDS;
cout << average << endl;

int main ()
{ int input[NR_FRIENDS][NR_MODULES];

cout << endl;

return 0;


In the function displayAverage():

change total = total + inputP[i][j]; to : total = total + inputP[j][i]; j runs from 0 to NR_FRIENDS and
i runs from 0 to NR_MODULES
Your array is declared as const int inputP[] [NR_MODULES] So you can see that you switched the two variables :)
Small typo, big consequence

also read this about codeformatting



That's very impolite... Bumping after half an hour (or even bumping in general) makes me not want to help people. So you're lucky I already wrote this reply and I'm not deleting it...

HA HA HA HA , I can bearly believe it was something so simple , thanks very much works great now :)

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