Hi all,
I am searching and fetching the data in a form based on the name entered in the text field. When the submit button is clicked, another form is displayed containing all the fetched data.Right now the functionality works only for the name entered in the textbox. I want that when the name is entered in textbox, all the similar names related to the text entered should be displayed in the list box (changing textbox to listbox at that time) and then when the user selects the required name, the data should be displayed.
How can it be done? Please help.
Here is the code that I am using right now:
Private Sub SearchCmd_Click()
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim sConnString As String
Dim sName As String
Dim iCount As Byte
Dim sSQL As String
iCount = 0
Dim rs As Recordset
sName = NameTxt.Text
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
If IsNull(sName) Or sName = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter name for search!!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Empty Field"
'Connecting to the Database
sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Tool\P_and_E\P_and_E.mdb"
conn.Open sConnString
cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
If Me.PrjOpt = True Then
'Query to fetch details from Personal_Info table
sSQL = " SELECT P.Emp_No,P.Name, P.NID,P.Location, P.Passport_No, P.PIN, P.[D-O-B], P.Aet_Join_Date, " _
& "P.Infy_Mail_Id, P.Ph_Res, P.Ph_Off, P.Ph_Cell, P.Address, P.Status " _
& "From Personal_Info P " _
& "WHERE ((P.Name)Like '" & "%" & sName & "%" & "' ) "
rs.Open sSQL, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
'MsgBox (rs.RecordCount)
If Not rs.BOF Then
'Load form to display details
'Display values from database in form
frmSearchResult.EmpTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Emp_No").Value
frmSearchResult.NameTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Name").Value
frmSearchResult.LocTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Location").Value
frmSearchResult.NidTxt.Text = rs.Fields("NID").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.PassportTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Passport_No").Value
frmSearchResult.PinTxt.Text = rs.Fields("PIN").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.DOBTxt.Text = rs.Fields("D-O-B").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.AetJDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Aet_Join_Date").Value
frmSearchResult.IDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Infy_Mail_Id").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.ResTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Res").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.OffTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Off").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.MobTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Cell").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.AddTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Address").Value & ""
frmSearchResult.StatusTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Status").Value & ""
MsgBox "Record not found for Personal Info!! "
End If
Set rs = Nothing
'Close connection to database
Set conn = Nothing
End If
End Sub