Hi, I only joined yesterday. I have a problem with the following code where I get a missing operator error. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.
' Function: strbuildSQLstr
' Purpose: Build SQL String to retrieve ADO Recordset
' Paramters: strChoice- string(Good or Bad),strStart- string(start date)
' strEnd - string( End Date)
' Returns: String - SQL Statement build with parameters passed
Function strbuildSQLstr(strChoice As String) As String
Dim strtemp As String
strtemp = "Select * from SizeRange Where Style =" & "'" & txtStyle & "'"
If strChoice > "" Then strtemp = strtemp & "'" & " and WHERE type =" & "'" & strChoice & "'"
' return the SQL String
strbuildSQLstr = strtemp & " " & "ORDER by Date"