Compiling 1 source file to C:\NetBeansProjects\SCHOOL1\JavaApplication31\build\classes
C:\NetBeansProjects\SCHOOL1\JavaApplication31\src\javaapplication31\ cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor Product(java.lang.String,double,double,double)
location: class javaapplication31.Product
super( dvdTitle, dvdItemNumber, dvdStock, dvdPrice);
1 error
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
package javaapplication31;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Inventory3a{
Inventory3a() { // constructor
Product[] dvd = new Product[4];
dvd[0] = new Product(685.0,"How to Loose a Guy in 10 days",2003, 4, 19.99 );
dvd[1] = new Product(565.0,"Coyote Ugly Ugly",2000, 8, 19.98 );
dvd[2] = new Product(785.0,"Legally Blonde",2001, 13, 19.99);
dvd[3] = new Product(578.0,"Sweet Home Alabama",2002, 8,18.56);
double totalInStock = 0.0;
double totalValue = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
System.out.println("Item number: " + dvd[i].getdvdItemNumber());
System.out.println("Title: " + dvd[i].getdvdTitle());
System.out.println("Made in: "+ dvd[i].getdvdYear());
System.out.println("In Stock: " + dvd[i].getdvdStock());
System.out.println("The price of each DVD is $" + dvd[i].getdvdPrice());
System.out.println("The value of the inventory is $" + dvd[i].Calvalue());
totalInStock += dvd[i].getdvdStock();
totalValue += dvd[i].Calvalue();
System.out.println("Total In Stock:" + totalInStock +
" Total Value: $" + totalValue);
System.out.println("Restock Fee: " + (dvd[i].getdvdStock() * dvd[i].getdvdPrice()) * 0.05);}
public static void main(String args []) {
//Sorting strings
String[ ] titles = {"How to Loose a Guy in 10 days", "Coyote Ugly", "Legally Blonde", "Sweet Home Alabama"};
Arrays.sort(titles); //use the built-in sorting routine
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
System.out.println(titles[ i ]);
double ReStockFee = 0.05;
new Inventory3a();
} //end method main
class Product
public double dvdItemNumber;
public String dvdTitle;
public double dvdYear;
public double dvdStock;
public double dvdPrice;
public double totalInStock;
public double totalValue;
public double ReStockFee;
// five-argument constructor
Product(double item,String title,double year, double stock, double price )
dvdItemNumber = item;
dvdTitle = title;
dvdYear = year;
dvdStock = stock;
dvdPrice = price;
} //end five-argument constructor
// set dvd item number
public void setdvdItemNumber (double item)
dvdPrice= item;
}// end method setdvdItemNumber
// return dvd item number
public double getdvdItemNumber()
return dvdItemNumber;
}// end method getdvdItemNumber
// set dvd title
public void setdvdTitle (String title)
dvdTitle= title;
}// end method setdvdTitle
// return dvd title
public String getdvdTitle()
return dvdTitle;
}// end method getdvdTitle
// set dvd year
// set dvd stock
public void setdvdYear(double year)
dvdYear= year;
}// return dvd year
public double getdvdYear()
return dvdYear;
}// end method getdvdYear
// set dvd stock
public void setdvdStock(double stock)
dvdStock= stock;
} // end method getdvdStock
// return dvd stock
public double getdvdStock()
return dvdStock;
}// end method getdvdStock
// set dvd price
public void setdvdPrice (double price)
dvdPrice= price;
}// end method setdvdPrice
// return dvd price
public double getdvdPrice()
return dvdPrice;
}// end method getdvdPrice
// set total in stock
public void settotalInStock (double total)
totalInStock= total;
}// end method settotalInStock
// return total in stock
public double gettotalInStock()
return totalInStock;
}// end method gettotalInStock
// caluclate Inventory
public double Calvalue() {
return dvdPrice * dvdStock;
} //end method value
// calculates Total Value
public double totalValue(){
return dvdPrice * totalInStock;
} // end method value
// returns smaller, bigger or equals according to dvdTitle
public int compareTo(Object o){
Product other = (Product) o;
return dvdTitle.compareTo(other.dvdTitle);
class Movie extends Product
private double reStockingFee;
public Movie(String dvdTitle, double dvdItemNumber, double dvdStock, double dvdPrice, double reStockingFee)
super( dvdTitle, dvdItemNumber, dvdStock, dvdPrice);
this.reStockingFee = reStockingFee;
public double getdvdPrice() //returns the value of the inventory, plus the restocking fee
return super.getdvdPrice() + reStockingFee;
public String toString()
return new StringBuffer().append("Price: " + super.getdvdPrice()).append(" With RestockingFee: " + getdvdPrice()).toString();
} // end class Movie
} //end class Product