I am trying to make it so that the user can move anyone of the 10 Label box called "lblmovebox" onto any one of the top ten blank label box called "lbldropbox". So they can pick up any one of the "lblmovebox" and drag it onto anyone of the top ten blank label
"lbldropbox. When they move the "lblmovebox" to the "lbldropbox" I want the Caption to show up in the blank label box lbldropbox.
The top 4 deadliest spiders
1 blank label...... banana spidwer
"lbldropbox"........ "lblmovebox"
2 blank label...... sydney funnell webb
"lbldropbox2"........... "lblmovebox2"
3 blank label...... wofl spider
"lbldropbox3"... "lblmovebox3"
4 blank label...... black widow
"lbldropbox4"... "lblmovebox4"
So if they think the wofl spider is #1 they just click on the "lblmovebox3" and it can be move to the "lbldropbox", and if they want to take the "lblmovebox3" and move it to "lbldropbox2" they can! After they are done I will add up the score with a cmd button and show them the top 4 deadliest spiders, and show them what they put!
Thanks for your time