I have posted the related topic in the Java forum!

Now, i am having a very differnet problem altogether.

1. i am being able to call the C program from the Java frame using a "Button" in the inteface.

2. But the problem i am facing now is that the printf statement that i wrote in my demo C program is being output only in the Command prompt screen, not in the Text area which i have for the input and output to the C program. As we all know that C returns only int, float double etc. i am facing this problem.

If anybody helps i will be grateful!

Well how are you calling your C program?

Does Java have anything like popen() as a call?

Can can get this in the thread i posted in the Java forum, with the same name as this.

to my knowledge it depends on the compiler your using, i have a borland c compiler, which outputs all programs in cmd, or atleast they must be run from cmd.
but i also have anouther compiler called lcc-win32, which gives the options to open in windows mode, but i dont know enough about C to configure the compiler so im sticking with borland compiler.
so i think your java interface is making a command line only program???
my advice would be to downlaod an actual c compiler for making c programs and use java for java.

to my knowledge it depends on the compiler your using, i have a borland c compiler, which outputs all programs in cmd, or atleast they must be run from cmd.
but i also have anouther compiler called lcc-win32, which gives the options to open in windows mode, but i dont know enough about C to configure the compiler so im sticking with borland compiler.
so i think your java interface is making a command line only program???
my advice would be to downlaod an actual c compiler for making c programs and use java for java.

Thanks a lot, but ur suggestion is of no use to me!

I am using microsoft c, c++ and its command is Cl/LD progname.c try using it.

i have received what is there in my JAVA interface as a string.

Now i need scan the lines starting with #s and ending with s#. so that i could convert the string between them to capital using strupr. suggestions will be appreciated.

2. But the problem i am facing now is that the printf statement that i wrote in my demo C program is being output only in the Command prompt screen, not in the Text area which i have for the input and output to the C program. As we all know that C returns only int, float double etc. i am facing this problem.

If anybody helps i will be grateful!

Are these programs run in MS-Windows os? If yes, then when the C program starts you can delete the C's command-prompt window, C program prints everything to a file, then when back to Java program have it read the data file and display the info in its window.

Originally Posted by mdew_47
2. But the problem i am facing now is that the printf statement that i wrote in my demo C program is being output only in the Command prompt screen, not in the Text area which i have for the input and output to the C program. As we all know that C returns only int, float double etc. i am facing this problem.

If anybody helps i will be grateful!

Are these programs run in MS-Windows os? If yes, then when the C program starts you can delete the C's command-prompt window, C program prints everything to a file, then when back to Java program have it read the data file and display the info in its window.

i have completed that part. i am using windows Xp. i brought all the thing to text area and output is given in the text area itself.

but since i am using JNI i am having difficulty changing the C-style string object
to general character array. so that i could perform some operations on it.

i need scan the string between #s <char array> s#. so that i could convert the string between them to capital using strupr. suggestions will be appreciated.

I must admit I don't know 100% what you're trying to do, but as far as I know, a C-style string object _is_ a general character array. Maybe you can create a function that returns a <char *> and print that to your textbox? Make sure the memory the <char*> is pointing to is valid though.

i am doing as follows:

# include <C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\include\jni.h>
# include <C:\Program Files\InstallShield\InstallShield for Microsoft Visual C++ 6\Include\project.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>

JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_project_test
 (JNIEnv *env , jobject obj, jstring s)
char (*str)[40] =(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,s,0);
int i;

if anyone can help i will be very thankful.

Erm.. I think you are creating an array of 40 char pointers... Not sure tho.

char (*str)[40] =(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,s,0);

Try this:

char str[40];

Same seem to be errors in your loop. You are dereferencing <char *>str, making it a <char>... This is not needed and quite possibly wrong. If you want to access element 0 of <char *>str, you do it like this:


>Erm.. I think you are creating an array of 40 char pointers... Not sure tho.
Nope, it is declaring a pointer to an array of 40 chars
What you are describing would be: char *str[40];

Thanks for pointing that out Aia.

Still I'd like to suggest changing it to the above code for readability. It seems like you don't need to make it a pointer. If you still like it to be a pointer, you can allocate some memory? I don't see the use of it, and it does make the program a bit more difficult imho.

Thanks for pointing that out Aia.

Still I'd like to suggest changing it to the above code for readability. It seems like you don't need to make it a pointer. If you still like it to be a pointer, you can allocate some memory? I don't see the use of it, and it does make the program a bit more difficult imho.

I don't want to give the impression that char (*str)[40] is a valid string of 40 characters, ready to hold any 40 chars, automatically without the need to allocate memory for it. It is not. Since it is a pointer it needs to be initialized to point to something meaningful, but can only point to 40 chars.

/* This will work */
char  string[] = "123";
char (*ptr)[4];
ptr = &string; /* notice that it is not ptr = string or ptr = &string[0] */

/* this will not work */
char string[] = "1234"; /* array is bigger than 4 */
char (*ptr)[4];
ptr = &string;

Lessons in pretty advanced C for me. Never seen it used before.

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