I've noticed there is at least 1 thread regarding to artificial intelligence. I assume most people new and old to python would be interested in artificial intelligence and the even greater goal of artificial life. I personally do not know anything about them. If you have ever had any experience in either AI or AL please post some techniques, theories, examples, websites, and simple how to's.

I see AI as a program that learns from experience. Say ELIZA learned the meaning of "it", "it" would generaly mean the main object you were talking about in the last sentence. The same would aply to he,she,they... That would be a very basic in my mind AI. It would also be AI if ELIZA learned the meaning of words it did not know like... something that doesnt come up in everyday speech. ELIZA would take the sentence that the word was used and use other words to create a generic definition. If ELIZA could not it would ask the user to tell them a definition and do the same as before.

I always was under the impression that Python's strong points were in string processing and high speed dictionary applications. You would think that those would lend themselves to AI programs. Now you got me interested.

That would be very interesting i would love to learn how to do that but i have to start with the basics becuase im new to python :/ lol

That would be very interesting i would love to learn how to do that but i have to start with the basics becuase im new to python :/ lol

Welcome to Python and this Forum. We will be happy to help you in your learning process.

Python is an easy language to learn, should you get stuck during your experimentation with the code, just ask on this forum. Give us a sample of your code and if possible the traceback error message.

Hello EAnder - welcome to DaniWeb. I myself only got into Python about a year ago, after deciding to give up on Java and C++; luckily I found that Python is fast, easy, and most importantly, fun.
Anyways, to get back on topic, I created the basis for a sort of artificial intelligence a while back, but gave up on it after a little bit. I hadn't gotten into making the computer give feedback/sentences to the user, but it's able to recognize around 2500 words (plurals, all conjugations, etc.) based on word lists it reads from/writes to. I've always really been interested in AI and such, and after looking at Eliza, decided I'll try rebuilding my old AI and try to figure out ways to streamline/advance it.
I don't know of any tutorials on AI or AL, but just started programming my AI from my own ideas. Due to this, my system might be badly designed, but if I make any significant advances in the next while, I'll post my source here on DaniWeb for you to look at.
Good luck with your programming!

Hello all,

I'm also interested in creating my own AI. I've been thinking about a speech recognition AI. In other words, something like Alan or Hal, consisting of two parts: The brain and the personality. “The Brain is a sophisticated machine-learning algorithm, capable of acquiring conversational skills from experience – from its conversations with its trainer(s).” “The Personality is the accumulated experience and knowledge possessed by an instance of a Brain, subjected to training by a particular trainer.”


I was wondering what would be the best language to create said AI. I’ve been reading around and according to some other posts VB.NET along with C++ and C# would be helpful. Would you find Python to be a better choice?

I myself only got into Python about a year ago, after deciding to give up on Java and C++; luckily I found that Python is fast, easy, and most importantly, fun.

This one interested me! Why did you do that?

Originally, I started Java at age 11 and C++ at age 13, and at the time, I found the strict and very rigid declarations/style of Java and C++ to be a little confusing and overwhelming.
After finding Python, I just came to love its simplicity compared to these other two languages, and the more relaxed form. I just find Python to be much more flexible; but this is a personal thing, as I don't make professional or exceedingly complex programs. All these languages have pros and cons (first one that comes to mind is the speed of C++ vs. Python - where C++ wins in most cases), but I myself found it easier to work with a more lax language when experimenting with ideas I've never tried before (namely an A.I.).
I've still been having fair trouble with a real artificial intelligence, but I haven't worked on anything dealing with that in a few months. This thread makes me want to get back into that though haha!
As Vegaseat mentioned, Python's string processing/manipulation is quite extensive, and I love that. That is also one of the reasons that I've stuck with Python mainly, and dictionaries are incredibly useful. Not sure if that fully answered your question, evstevemd!

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