Hi all!

I am trying to connect to a remote MySQL database. This database is located on my LAN at the address I am using MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 (MyODBC 3.51) for the connection.

The connection string that I am using is the following-

Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=;Database=mydb;User=root; Password=;Option=3;

The error message that I get is not too intuitive - SystemEventArgs

Has anybody connected to a remote MySQL database in VB.NET?

MySQLConnectionString = String.Format("Server={0};Database={1};Uid={2};Pwd={3};Connect Timeout=30;", pServerName, pDatabase, pUserName, pPassword)

MySqlADOConnection = New MySqlConnection
MySqlADOConnection.ConnectionString = MySQLConnectionString

and do not forget to add mysql.data as a reference.
I have been using MySQL Connector Net 5.2.2...

Anybody tried it with the ODBC Driver?

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