Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a server application, but I'm having a bit of trouble. I keep getting this error

The name 'srvr' does not exist in the current context

I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, but I don't know how to fix it. I have three classes so far: Program, notify_icon, and server. Program has the the main method which creates a server object and a notify icon object. Server does the work, notify_icon allows you to stop and start the server so notify_icon has to call server's start and stop methods. I think the problem is notify_icon's methods cannot access server's methods, but I'm not sure what to do I could move the code from notify_icon to Program, but I would like to keep it separate.

Let me know if you need me to try and explain something more.

Here is the main method from program

static void Main()
            Server srvr = new Server();
            Notify_Icon icon = new Notify_Icon();

this is the notify icon class

class Notify_Icon
        public Notify_Icon () {
                    NotifyIcon icn = new NotifyIcon();
            icn.Visible = true;
            Stream strm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("WindowsFormsApplication1.Globe.ico");
            icn.Icon = new Icon(strm);
            ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu();
                new MenuItem("Start", new System.EventHandler(srvr.Start)));
                new MenuItem("Stop", new System.EventHandler(srvr.Stop)));
            icn.ContextMenu = menu;

Can someone please help me with this.

The class Notify_Icon can't acces "srvr" because it is not declared outside the main function, try to add the Server as a parameter in the Notify_Icon constructor like

class Notify_Icon
public Notify_Icon (Server srvr)

Thanks miculnegru, but I need both of the objects to call each others methods (so that server can change the icon and change its text from Running to Stopped).

I think I might need to rewrite this, but I'm not sure of any way to do it.

Separate out the classes, and create a singleton

public class Server
private bool _stopped;
public bool Stopped
return _stopped;
_stopped = value;
    private static Server _instance = new Server();

public static Server instance
return _instance;

//from your notify icon class
Server.instance.Stopped = true;

Ok now the error says

The name 'icon' does not exist in the current context

I changed the code to this.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Serveri
    class Notify_Icon
        public NotifyIcon icn;
        public Notify_Icon()
             this.icn = new NotifyIcon();
            this.icn.Visible = true;
            Stream strm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Serveri.Globe.ico");
            this.icn.Icon = new Icon(strm);
            ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu();
                new MenuItem("Start", new System.EventHandler(Server.instance.Start)));
                new MenuItem("Stop", new System.EventHandler(Server.instance.Stop)));
            this.icn.ContextMenu = menu;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Serveri
    public class Server
        public void Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
        public void Start() {
            icon.icn.text = "Running";
        public void Stop(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
        public void Stop() {
            icon.icn.text = "Stopped";
        private static Server _instance = new Server();

        public static Server instance
                return _instance;
Server srvr = new Server();
            Notify_Icon icon = new Notify_Icon();

I need some way for the two classes to be able to access each others methods.

The server doesn't know about the icon, because its part of a separate class

I forgot to add the private constructor to the server class, plus a few things to do

try this, add this to the server class

private Server()
private string _status;
public string Status
return _status;

public void Stop()
_status = "Stopped";

//in your last piece of code
icon.text = Server.instance.Status;
//might need to be this
icon.icn.text = Server.instance.Status;

Then why not pass srvr to the Notify_icon ?

If you pass server to it, any other class that uses this notify icon will require to instantiate it with server, when possibly they might not have anything to do with server.

Then why not pass srvr to the Notify_icon ?

Because then Server cannot access Notify_Icon thats my problem I can't get them both to see each other.

Only other way I can think of (and its 1am so that doesnt mean much) is to have a kinda parent/child relationship so that the server has a notify_icon option and the notify_icon has a server option.. but thats more messy than you need and the other suggesitons so far are the better way

Thanks I think I'm going to try using nested classes see if i can get that working. (Oh and its only 8pm here).

If you're not into the singleton thing, you need to think of the separation between the display and server.

Look at using events,
example when server is started, you catch the event in the notify icon and update the display properly, without having the server ever know about what is displaying in the ui portion.

If you're not into the singleton thing, you need to think of the separation between the display and server.

I dont' mind using a singleton. It just didn't work.
And I'm not sure how to do it using events.

Look at using events,
example when server is started, you catch the event in the notify icon and update the display properly, without having the server ever know about what is displaying in the ui portion.

Could you give me an example of how to do that I think it sounds like the best solution.

Here is one on Microsoft, a little technicalhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa645739(VS.71).aspx

Here is a little less technical and probably easier to follow

Once you read them,
create the event in the server class, such OnServerStarted

in the notify class, create a server private variable and subscribe to each event

then on each event that is received, you can update your text as the event is received

If you pass server to it, any other class that uses this notify icon will require to instantiate it with server, when possibly they might not have anything to do with server.

Ok, so why not create overload methods, one for srvr.Start() and one for srvr.Stop() ?

I'm sorry but i still can't see , looking at the code so far, why it will not work :?: . so let's say you have this in main()

Server srvr= new Server();
Notify_Icon ico=new Notify_Icon();
// do something..

and in other functions you will have :

// do something..

now... if this will not work .... then i'm missing the whole point so sorry :| .

Ok, so why not create overload methods, one for srvr.Start() and one for srvr.Stop() ?

I'm sorry but i still can't see , looking at the code so far, why it will not work :?: . so let's say you have this in main()

Server srvr= new Server();
Notify_Icon ico=new Notify_Icon();
// do something..

and in other functions you will have :

// do something..

now... if this will not work .... then i'm missing the whole point so sorry :| .

The problem was that I couldn't get the server and icon to both be able to access each others methods, but now that you show me what you ment I think it probably would have worked that way. But I've already rewritten it :( oh well at least it works :) . Thanks anyway.

uh.. a sorry then for the late post.. work keeped me busy.

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