In my comsc class we are writing a program to determine when easter sunday is, my program works like a charm when i put each equation in a seperate function but when i try and take them out (as per teachers instructions) it craps the bed and gives me an infinite loop and garbage answers.
Prob3.dat input file is simple


thats it.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
  //file holding all years we want to calc
  fstream datein ("Prob3.dat", ios::in);
  //year is the input year, date is the day calculated
  //na thru ne are the formula values;
  int year, date;
  int na, nb, nc, nd, ne;

  //no data or last data processed, loop will not run
    datein >> year;
    na = year % 19;
    nb = year % 4;
    nc = year % 7;
    nd = (19 * na + 24) % 30;
    ne = ((2 * nb) + (4 * nc) + (6 * nd) + 5) % 7;
    date = 22 + nd + ne;

    cout << "Easter is on ";
    //checking month and adjusting date value
    if(date > 31)
      cout << "April ";
      date -= 31;
      cout << "March ";

    cout << date << " " << year << endl;

  return 0;

this version works perfectly with the same input file

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

//given equations
int Na(int n){return n % 19;};
int Nb(int n){return n % 4;};
int Nc(int n){return n % 7;};
int Nd(int n){return (19 * Na(n) + 24) % 30;};
int Ne(int n){return ((2 * Nb(n)) + (4 * Nc(n)) + (6 * Nd(n)) + 5) % 7;};

int main()
  //file holding all years we want to calc
  fstream datein ("Prob3.dat", ios::in);
  //year is the input year, date is the day calculated
  int year, date;

  //no data or last data processed, loop will not run
    datein >> year;
    date = 22 + Nd(year) + Ne(year);

    cout << "Easter is on ";
    //checking month and adjusting date value
    if(date > 31)
      cout << "April ";
      date -= 31;
      cout << "March ";

    cout << date << " " << year << endl;

  return 0;

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure it's something simple but you guys are always way more help than my ftard teach.

>> while(!datein.eof())
That is a problem because it will read the last line of the file twice. Here is how it should be coded while( datein >> year ) [edit]After changing the above while statement I don't get your problem[/edit]

Easter is on April 4 1999
Easter is on March 26 1989

quick note here, the above code can also be written as:

        datein >> year;
        if(datein.eof())       break;
        //Code here

To l4z3r:
It's not the same as Ancient Dragon's (RIGHT) solution!

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