im trying to make something using quotes in a string which is then used by system(d.c_string)
heres the code:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string a,b,c,d;
    a="del C:\\users\\robocop\\desktop\\\"";
    cin >> b;

Lets say when running i type 'a b c.txt'
What im trying to get here then is the command

del C:\users\robocop\desktop\"a b c.txt"

But when I run it, it says: "cant find C:\users\robocop\desktop\a"
So apparantly it didnt put the quotes around a b c.txt when string d was used as d.c_str(), because those quotes were for the command line console to read a b c.txt as one filename.

Does anyone know what im doing wrong here? :S

The double quotes have to be around the full path names, not around the filename.

The command string you need to build is probably "del \"C:\users\robocop\desktop\a b c.txt\""

The double quotes have to be around the full path names, not around the filename.

The command string you need to build is probably "del \"C:\users\robocop\desktop\a b c.txt\""

i just tried that:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string a,b,c,d;
    a="del \"C:\\users\\robocop\\desktop\\";
    cin >> b;
    cout << d;

its still not working :(
now it gives me:

cant find C:\users\robocop\desktop\a

the cout i added shows that d contains the following string: del "C:\users\robocop\desktop\a"

What's wrong with using the proper API to remove a file?
Like say

unlink( "C:\\users\\robocop\\desktop\\a b c.txt" );
remove( "C:\\users\\robocop\\desktop\\a b c.txt" );

Neither of which require you to guess how many times you need to escape \" or whatever to get the command interpreter to do what you want.

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