Dear friends
I am electrical engineer of 54 yr age. Recently, I have developed interest in vb6. is too complex for me to understand. At present I am trying to develop a software in which family details are to entered. family.mdb is having tables, name, place & family. To start with there are three comboboxes for name, father name and place.
Name and father name comboboxes are connected to the table name and place combobox is connected to table place.
Now, I want the user to input characters in name combox. As he input one charactor the filtered list should be seen in dropdown portion of the cobobox. If the desierd name is seen in the dropdown portion of combobox, then user can select the name by clicking the name. If the user has entered new name (not available name table), then on pressing SAVE button, the new name should be added in name table and the name table should be automatically sorted as per alphabet.
Please give me full sample code (in zip file) for name, i will expand the sam for place, surname, etc.
Sorry for too big query and my bad english.
Thanking you.
Anil V. Chaudhary.