hello ppl,
i have a doubt how do i append MSWord in my proj. if i have a form on which i make a button now on clicking that button MSWORD should open. If i use system.diagnostic.process.start() and the whole path of MSWORD in the bracket it will work but what if i want to make it run on some other machine what should be done in that case please help me with a code as soon as possible.
One more thing how do i make a simple combo box uneditable at run time.
please help me as soon as possible by providing codes for both my questons...
thank you.

1. Just add your msword file on your setup project.
then you can modified path of msword file :

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "\MsWordFileName.doc")

2. On combox properties, set DropDownStyle = DropDownList

I meant to say that i want to open a MSWORD not any wordfile plz help me with that

i want to open MSWORD in my project and not any wordfile plz look for it

You have to add com object reference in your appliction
i.e microsoft word 9.0 object library and in namspace
iimports the word so that you can use the ms word object in ur code as you like
just try it out.

i understood it but can u tell me that after adding com reference what code do i have to write

Exactly what u want to do? do u want to automate msowrd?

do you mean... System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( "winword" ) ?

if u just want to open MS Word u can use
system.diagnostic.process.start("winword") no need to give path..
if u want to run in other machine also it works only thing is that machine must have msword installed.

You have to add com object reference in your appliction
i.e microsoft word 9.0 object library and in namspace
iimports the word so that you can use the ms word object in ur code as you like
just try it out.

i din't get u completely as in can u explain me by send me the code...

Exactly what u want to do? do u want to automate msowrd?

i want to run my application on multiple computers so i want write a code that is common to all also is there any other step except system.diagnostic.process.start("winword") to open MSWORD through my application..... will this be a perfect code to write what is mentioned above to use in my application suggest me with the best code for it.

If you want to run MSWORD in multiple computers from a single computer then all you have to do is to send a UDP broadcast message to the clients, and the clients will just run the MSWord with the System.diagnotic.start("winword") You can also use Shell command but you'll have to give absolute address. So, I would prefer the first method. Its simple and it works:)

Thank you very much for yur response and solving my query

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