Iam having problem with the following code:

All this code does is extract words separated by spaces from string

when i compile it i get error27 C:\Dev-Cpp\Untitled1.cpp invalid operands of types `char*' and `char*' to binary `operator*'

plzzzz help

// Tokenizing program:pointer version

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main()
    char str[80];
    char token[80];
    char *p;
    char *q;
    cout<<"Enter a sentence: ";
    // Read a token at a time from the string
              /* Read character until either a space or the null terminator is encountered
              while(*p!=' ' && *p){
                          *q = '\0';
                          return 0;

1. You forget semicolon after if statement:

if (*p)
   p++; // ***
*q = '\0';

2. Use code tag for your snippets on this forum:
[code=cplusplus] your code

3. Make a proper source code indentation. You write C++ programs, not adult's graffiti...

> Make a proper source code indentation. You write C++ programs, not adult's graffiti...
The indentations in code don't show up when you don't use code tags. I added code tags for him and now his code appears properly indented. (Hence the purpose of code tags)

Thank you, Csgal. I was not on the spot.

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