HI there guys any one know how to create the correct tone for the sound using c++? i manage to know the basic only

c 262
e 330
f 349
f 392
a 440
b 494
c2 524
This is from a handphone ringing tone
how do i know the frequency for like 8-8a2,c4,c5 8#a2,8-

anyone have any idea?


I dusted off this little code snippet from the good old DOS days. It will answer some of your questions on how to calculate the musical scales. If you need any more details, get friendly with a musician!

/***********************  play.c  ***********************
**   Experimentation with sound:
**     play(int octave,int note,int duration)
**   Written in Turbo C V.2.0 by vegaseat 6/15/88

/**************  note.h  ***********/

#define P     0   /* pause */
#define C     1
#define CS    2   /* C sharp */
#define D     3
#define DS    4
#define E     5
#define F     6
#define FS    7
#define G     8
#define GS    9
#define A    10
#define AS   11
#define B    12

#define EN   75   /* eighth note  */
#define QN  150   /* quarter note */
#define HN  300   /* half note    */
#define FN  600   /* full note    */


void play(int octave,int note,int duration);
void british(void);   /* Westminster Bells */

void main(void)       /* test play() */

void play(int octave,int note,int duration)
/* play note (C=1 to B=12), in octave (1-8), and duration (msec)
   include NOTE.H for note values */
  int k;
  double frequency;

  if (note == 0) {                  /* pause */
  frequency = 32.625;
  for (k = 0; k < octave; k++)      /* compute C in octave  */
    frequency *= 2;
  for (k = 0; k < note; k++)        /* frequency of note    */
    frequency *= 1.059463094;       /* twelve root of 2     */
  delay(5);                         /* delay between keys   */
  sound((int) frequency);           /* sound the note       */
  delay(duration);                  /* for correct duration */

void british(void)   /* Westminster Bells, sort of */
  play(3,G,HN+QN); play(3,P,QN);

For XP/NT that don't allow port outputs there is a WIN32 API call:

The Beep function generates simple tones on the speaker. The function 
is synchronous; it does not return control to its caller until the 
sound finishes. 

BOOL Beep(

    DWORD dwFreq,	// sound frequency, in hertz 
    DWORD dwDuration 	// sound duration, in milliseconds 


erm sorry but i still not very sure how u calculate the value this the the program i type just that i'm short of music that all.By the way thank u very for ur effort to reply my message.

It is not that difficult and even though I am a musician you don't really need to be one just to determine the frequency of each musical note.

First, c,d,e,f,g,a,b are not all the musical notes that exist in the eastern music system, in fact there are twelve different notes (see those black keys in a piano keyboard?) and they are:
a, a#, b, c, c#, d, d#, e, f, f#, g, g#

Second, the american standard pitch states that the note A has a frequency of 440, and this is the point of reference to determine every other note.

The third part is just mathematics, and it is a simple formula: The frequency of the subsequent note equals the current note multiplied by the 12th root of 2 (the 12th root of 2 can also be expresed as 2 elevated at 1/12, or 2^(1/12)). So with this formula let's make an example: suppose you already have the note A which is 440 and you want to determine the next note which is A#, the mathematical notation is:

A# = A * (2^(1/12))
which is 440 * (2^(1/12)) and equals 466.1637...

following this sequence:
B = A# * (2^(1/12))
C = B * (2^(1/12))
C# = C * (2^(1/12))
and so on.....

You'll get a lot of decimal numbers in all of the notes (except of all A's) and the good news is that you can round to the nearest integer as this difference is imperceptible to the human ear.

Now, what happens to all the notes below A 440???? It is very easy, you just need to use the same formula, except that instead of multiplying you need to divide, for example, to get the note before A:

G# = A / (2^(1/12))

Now you can get any range of notes you want in any scale. Note that this approach requires you to obtain all the notes in a sequential mode. If you want to get a note directly from A 440 you tweak the formula a little bit. Let's say you want to obtain the next F after A 440, F would be the 8th note after A, so you multiply by the 12th root of 2 elevated at the number of steps after the current note, in this case eight. So:

F = A * (2^(1/12))^8

I hope this helps, and sorry if my english is not that good since I'm from Mexico.

Sounds like you got lost with the calculations of the notes of the musical scale I gave you in my sample code. Well here is a table of notes and associated frequencies:

    Frequency   Note   MIDI#

     8.1758            0
     8.6620            1
     9.1770            2
     9.7227            3
    10.3009            4
    10.9134            5
    11.5623            6
    12.2499            7
    12.9783            8
    13.7500            9
    14.5676           10
    15.4339           11
    16.3516           12
    17.3239           13
    18.3540           14
    19.4454           15
    20.6017           16
    21.8268           17
    23.1247           18
    24.4997           19
    25.9565           20
    27.5000    A0     21
    29.1352    A#0    22
    30.8677    B0     23
    32.7032    C1     24
    34.6478    C#1    25
    36.7081    D1     26
    38.8909    D#1    27
    41.2034    E1     28
    43.6535    F1     29
    46.2493    F#1    30
    48.9994    G1     31
    51.9131    G#1    32
    55.0000    A1     33
    58.2705    A#1    34
    61.7354    B1     35
    65.4064    C2     36
    69.2957    C#2    37
    73.4162    D2     38
    77.7817    D#2    39
    82.4069    E2     40
    87.3071    F2     41
    92.4986    F#2    42
    97.9989    G2     43
   103.8262    G#2    44
   110.0000    A2     45
   116.5409    A#2    46
   123.4708    B2     47
   130.8128    C3     48
   138.5913    C#3    49
   146.8324    D3     50
   155.5635    D#3    51
   164.8138    E3     52
   174.6141    F3     53
   184.9972    F#3    54
   195.9977    G3     55
   207.6523    G#3    56
   220.0000    A3     57
   233.0819    A#3    58
   246.9417    B3     59
   261.6256    C4     60
   277.1826    C#4    61
   293.6648    D4     62
   311.1270    D#4    63
   329.6276    E4     64
   349.2282    F4     65
   369.9944    F#4    66
   391.9954    G4     67
   415.3047    G#4    68
   440.0000    A4     69
   466.1638    A#4    70
   493.8833    B4     71
   523.2511    C5     72
   554.3653    C#5    73
   587.3295    D5     74
   622.2540    D#5    75
   659.2551    E5     76
   698.4565    F5     77
   739.9888    F#5    78
   783.9909    G5     79
   830.6094    G#5    80
   880.0000    A5     81
   932.3275    A#5    82
   987.7666    B5     83
  1046.5023    C6     84
  1108.7305    C#6    85
  1174.6591    D6     86
  1244.5079    D#6    87
  1318.5102    E6     88
  1396.9129    F6     89
  1479.9777    F#6    90
  1567.9817    G6     91
  1661.2188    G#6    92
  1760.0000    A6     93
  1864.6550    A#6    94
  1975.5332    B6     95
  2093.0045    C7     96
  2217.4610    C#7    97
  2349.3181    D7     98
  2489.0159    D#7    99
  2637.0205    E7    100
  2793.8259    F7    101
  2959.9554    F#7   102
  3135.9635    G7    103
  3322.4376    G#7   104
  3520.0000    A7    105
  3729.3101    A#7   106
  3951.0664    B7    107
  4186.0090    C8    108
  4434.9221          109
  4698.6363          110
  4978.0317          111
  5274.0409          112
  5587.6517          113
  5919.9108          114
  6271.9270          115
  6644.8752          116
  7040.0000          117
  7458.6202          118
  7902.1328          119
  8372.0181          120
  8869.8442          121
  9397.2726          122
  9956.0635          123
 10548.0818          124
 11175.3034          125
 11839.8215          126
 12543.8540          127

Trying to get fancy, hope it worked.

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