I want to create a "Help" in an application that I do. I have attached a file for what kind of solution I am after.
The solution is the same type as in VC++ 2008 under "Help" /Index?
How it is constructed is with a listBox on the left side and when clicking on a subject, the information about this appears in a large like "docked" textBox on the right side.
What I wonder here is how and where from the information is taken that appears in this textBox.
Is there a way to write this information in the application directly or do I need to use .txt-files where the information will be red from. A solution with the txt files I know how I could solve.
So what I wonder is if it is possible to instead write the information directly in the program in somehow, so when clicking on a subject in the listBox this will link to a written text that will appear in the large textBox.
Perheps there is a control in the Toolbox that could be used for something like this ?