I have never done any programming in my life but I have decided to go into engineering and in doing so we have to take this intro to programming course and I am pretty clueless. I am starting to get the hang of how python works but to put my thoughts into the program to make it run is the confusing part for me.
The task is to implement a Hangman game and the Program Specifications are:
1) Output a brief description of the game of hangman and how to play
2) Ask the user to enter the word or phrase that will be guessed (have a friend enter the
phrase for you if you want to be surprised)
3) Output the appropriate number of dashes and spaces to represent the phrase (make sure
it’s clear how many letters are in each word and how many words there are)
4) Continuously read guesses of a letter from the user and fill in the corresponding blanks if
the letter is in the word, otherwise report that the user has made an incorrect guess.
5) Each turn you will display the phrase as dashes but with any already guessed letters filled
in, as well as which letters have been incorrectly guessed so far and how many guesses
the user has remaining.
6) Your program should allow the user to make a total of k=6 guesses.
7) You MUST use at least 3 string methods or operators in a useful manner (several
examples that I used are given in the notes below). If you wish to use lists in your project
that is fine, as long as you meet this requirement.