Here is the header file I was given to use

// ministack.h



const int MINI_STACK_SIZE = 5;  // Fixed number of element in stack

class MiniStack
    int num;               // Number of values stored in MiniStack
    char* stackPtr;        // Pointer to array representing stack

    MiniStack();           // Default constructor
    void Push(char ch);    // Adds element to top of stack assuming stack not full
    void Pop();            // Removes element from top of stack
    void MakeEmpty();      // Empties ministack
    char Top();            // Returns copy of value stored at top of stack
    bool IsFull() const;   // Returns true if ministack is full; false otherwise
    bool IsEmpty() const;  // Returns true if ministack empty; false otherwise
    void Print() const;    // Prints stack contents, top to bottom
    ~MiniStack();          // Destructor


I am having prolems with the print function. It wont let me just use a cout statement what do I need to use. Here is my code that I wrote

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <new>
#include <cstddef>
#include "ministack.h"
#include "bigstack.h"

MiniStack::MiniStack()				// Default constructor
    stackPtr = new char[MINI_STACK_SIZE];
    num = 0;

void MiniStack::Push(char ch)	// Adds element to top of stack assuming stack not full
 	  stackPtr[num] = ch;

void MiniStack::Pop()			// Removes element from top of stack

void MiniStack::MakeEmpty()			// Empties ministack
 	  num = -1;

char MiniStack::Top()			// Returns copy of value stored at top of stack
   return stackPtr[num];

bool MiniStack::IsFull() const	// Returns true if ministack is full; false otherwise
   return (num == MINI_STACK_SIZE-1);

bool MiniStack::IsEmpty() const		// Returns true if ministack empty; false otherwise
   if (num == -1)
   return true;
   return false;

void MiniStack::Print() const			// Prints stack contents, top to bottom


MiniStack::~MiniStack()					// Destructor

Please what am I doing wrong. Also does this code look right I think it is but I am not 100% on this.

>>It wont let me just use a cout statement what do I need to use

Why not? Post what you attempted to do.

I am having prolems with the print function. It wont let me just use a cout statement what do I need to use. Here is my code that I wrote

You may wish to put using namespace std; after your #includes to access cout.

void MiniStack::Print() const
int n;
for (n=4; n==0; n--)
cout << stackPtr[n] << " ";

The compiler keeps giving me "cout undeclared [first use of this function]"
I am using Dev C++

Thanks that is exactly what the problem was. using namespace std; was what was needed

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