
I'm having trouble with a program that I have to write that is supposed to convert a prefix expression to a postfix expression using stacks. The program I wrote seems to compile fine but when I run it, it gives me a fatal error and aborts the program. I'm new to programming so I'm really lost as to why it is doing this. I would really appreciate some help.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

bool isOperator(char symbol);    //declaring function isOperator

int main()
	ifstream myfile;     //declaring streams
	ofstream outfile;
 	myfile.open("Prefix.txt", ios::in);    //opening streams
	outfile.open("Postfix.txt", ios::out);
	while (!myfile.eof())    //while not end of input file
		stack<char> operators;
		stack<char> flags;

		string line;
		string outputLine; 

		getline(myfile, line);  //read the next line of file and store into ‘line’
		for(int i=0; i < line.size(); i ++)  //reiterate through ‘line’
				char symbol = line [i];
				if( isOperator(symbol))    //if the symbol is an operator
					operators.push(symbol);    //push operator on stack
					flags.push(0);  //push associated flag on stack and set to off
  	            if((symbol != ' ') && !isOperator(symbol))     //then it’s a operand
					outputLine += symbol;                //append to output string
					//strcat(outputLine, symbol);
					while(flags.top())                          //while top flag is ON on stack
						outputLine += operators.top() ;  //append the associated op
						//strcat(outputLine, operators.top());
						operators.pop();   //remove operator from stack
						flags.pop();     //remove flag from stack
		            flags.pop();                 //set next flag to ON
             }//end of for
		if(!operators.empty() || (!flags.empty()) )
			outfile << "SOMETHING WENT WRONG. Prob incorrect input" << endl;
			outfile << "Prefix: " << line << endl;
			outfile << "Postfix: " << outputLine << endl;
	} //end of while eof

    myfile.close();               //close streams

}//end of main

bool isOperator(char symbol)          //definition of isOperator
    if( (symbol == '*') || (symbol == '+')  || (symbol == '/')  || (symbol == '-' ) )
		return true;
		return false;

The prefix file is as follows if it helps to understand the program:

+ * A B / C D
* A + B / C D
- * A + B / C D E
* + A B - C D
+ * A B / C D
* A + B / C D
- * A + B / C D E
* + A B - C D
+ - A * B C / + D E * F G
* A - B / C - D E
* / + A B + C K B
* * * * A B C D E

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