Hello everyone,

On my webbrowser when it displays webpages the text is larger than normal and the whole page doesn't fit into the webbrowser and requires scrollbars eg google homepage. This doesn't happen when I view the same page in Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could make the page fit inside the webbrowser window without requiring scrollbars.

Thanks in advance


webbrowser is usually an instance of internet explorer, check your internet explorer setting (view->textsize) if its anything other than medium, its been changed, if it says smaller or smallest that would explain it.

webbrowser is usually an instance of internet explorer, check your internet explorer setting (view->textsize) if its anything other than medium, its been changed, if it says smaller or smallest that would explain it.

Thanks for the reply Liz.

I looked at my internet explorer settings and it is still at medium. I don't understand why the page displays 'normally' in internet explorer but is different in my webbrowser.

Thanks again for the reply


Only other options are things like its set to use your own style sheets, or a cookie is sending different information - id suggest set yourself up an elementary proxy server to capture the conversaiton and check that the settings you get in one, are the same as sent to the other.

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