Hey, ive written a piece of code which reads from a file called test.txt. all it does is use strtok to seperate the data from the spaces because there are alot of them, and then print them out, this worked fine when i did a test for just 1 line, but when i put this code in a while(!ins.eof()) loop, it reports a seg fault.... here is my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream ins;
ins.open("test.txt", ios::in);
char info[500];
ins.getline(info, 500); // first line are just titles
int found = 0;
ins.getline(info, 500);
cout << info << endl;
char *name = NULL;
name = strtok(info, " "); // read in name
char *dates = NULL;
dates = strtok(0, " "); //read in dates
char *dates2 = NULL;
// if the first element of dates is 0, 1, 2, dont read in dates2
if(dates[0] == '0' || dates[0] == '1' || dates[0] == '2')
found = 0;
}else{ // else read in 1 extra char (dates2)
found = 1;
dates2 = strtok(0, " ");
char *sold = NULL;
sold = strtok(0, " ");
char *minutes = NULL;
minutes = strtok(0, " :");
char *seconds = NULL;
seconds = strtok(0, " ");
cout << "name: " << name << endl;
if(found == 1)
cout << "TRUEdate: " << dates << " " << dates2 << endl;
}else if(found == 0){
cout << "FALSEdate: " << dates <<endl;
cout << "sold: " << sold << endl;
cout << "minutes: " << minutes << endl;
cout << "seconds: " << seconds << endl;
found = 0;
return 0;
for some reason it doesnt like me having the this peice of code in there
if(dates[0] == '0' || dates[0] == '1' || dates[0] == '2')
found = 0;
found = 1;
dates2 = strtok(0, " ");
but the point of this is to read in the day from the date section if the date isnt in the 24:60:60 time format....
test.txt contains
Sign 23:44:10 ? 0:00
Maria Jul 11 ? 2:11
Umama Feb 11 ? 0:00
Xtr 11:23:30 ? 103:03
Fit Sep 17 ? 0:00
Ser Dec 21 22231 0:00
Rim 08:28:20 13322 0:00