hello, I'm new to the language and so far as I can tell this should work but it isnt. Sorry its probably just a newb mistake but i've spent hours on this silly error (and used search).
call_start, call_length : integer;
discount, cost: real;
answer: char;
normal_price = 40;
VAT = 0.175;
repeat //repeat 1
writeln ('please input call start time in hours');
readln (call_start);
until (call_start >= 0) or (call_start <24);
repeat //repeat 2
writeln ('please input call length');
readln (call_length);
until call_length > 0; //repeat 2 end
discount := 1;
if (call_start > 18) then discount := 0.5
else if (call_start > 13) then discount := 0.8;
cost := call_length * normal_price * discount * VAT;
if call_length > 60 then cost := cost * 0.8;
writeln ('the price for your call was', cost);
repeat //repeat 3
writeln ('do you wish to continue (Y/N)');
readln (answer);
until (answer = 'Y') or (answer = 'N'); //repeat 3 end
{it wants the end here for some reason but that excludes loop}
until (answer = 'N'); //repeat 1 end
[Error] Project2.dpr(30): 'END' expected but 'UNTIL' found