So, I figured a fun little waste of time would be to write quicksort in scheme. I have my code below, poorly documented. Basically, it takes the first element as the pivot (for simplicity), and then there's a method which returns a pair which is ( (list of everything smaller than pivot) . (list of everything else)), and then lists ( (sorted car of above list) pivot (sorted cdr) )
(define (quicksort L)
(if (null? L) L
(letrec ((pivot (car L)) ;chooses first element as pivot
(lambda (piv li return)
;return is the list to be returned
;return will be (<pivot . >=pivot)
(cond ((null? li) return)
((< (car li) piv)
(split piv (cdr li) (cons (cons (car li) (car return))
(cdr return))))
(split piv (cdr li) (cons (car return)
(cons (car li)
(cdr return)))))))
`(,@(quicksort (car (split pivot (cdr L) '(() . ())))) ,pivot
,@(quicksort (cdr (split pivot (cdr L) '(() . ())))))
Anyway, my questions:
Is there another simple of choosing the pivot that doesn't require O(n^2) time to "sort" a sorted list?
Does my code actually calculate (split pivot ... ) twice? How can I rewrite this to be a little cleaner?