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38 Posted Topics
Re: Very carefully, I hope! Why don't you start by learning how to compute time complexity for algorithms, in general. | |
Re: Sign-extending means the value of the most significant bit of the 16-bit integer (the sign bit, for signed 16-bit integers) is used to fill the 16 higher bits. [code]0abcdefghijklmno => 00000000000000000abcdefghijklmno 1abcdefghijklmno => 11111111111111111abcdefghijklmno[/code] This means that if your 16 bits represent a signed integer, your 32-bit value will represent … | |
Re: I think you're talking more about C# datatypes than you are about object oriented programming. Here is a page I made about object oriented programming: [url]http://srh.is/linkables/oop.html[/url] | |
Re: For just parsing, it's probably Haskell, using the library Parsec. | |
Re: What does it mean for a project to be related to IT? Please give examples of projects that are and aren't considered "related to IT". | |
Re: Login required; no reason to waste your time with this. | |
Re: What trickleup process are you talking about? heapify builds the two child heaps and then trickles the root node into one of them. Your real problem is that you aren't thinking recursively. | |
Re: The language to use is definitely C#. What API to use depends on which version of Exchange you're using. | |
Re: Why don't you start by making a timeline of prominent programming languages and major developments in their set of features. Then think about what problems these features were trying to solve, and where they got these features from. | |
Re: Bubbling down doesn't take O(n) time, where n is the number of nodes in the heap. Think again. If you want to find a specific element in the heap, you have to traverse the tree. For finding the k'th smallest element in O(k) time, I don't know off the top … | |
Re: You say [icode]rand()[/icode] and it returns a random number between 0 and RAND_MAX. That's how you use it. You can call [icode]srand(something)[/icode] to initialize the random number generator -- where [icode]something[/icode] is a relatively unpredictable value, such as the current time. | |
Re: y:f(x)->x+1 is, um "nonstandard" notation. (Meaning: Where the heck did you come up with that?) The lambda calculus notation for a function such as that would be \x.x+1 where \ is meant to be the lambda character (but I don't have a unicode keyboard handy). | |
Re: What makes you say a full adder has three outputs? Your problem could be related to the fact that all your inputs and outputs in that picture you've posted seem to have the same name. | |
Re: Look into the std::getline function. | |
Re: Is this some kind of trick question? What is stopping you from trying out the different values of N and seeing the answer? | |
Re: Yes. Allah can help you. Pray to Allah and then Hacker Jesus will come down and code for you. | |
Re: I would test their flight ability by folding them up into a nonstandard paper airplane and dropping them out the window. To be specific, I would scrap the idea of sequence diagrams altogether; if your design is so complicated that it needs sequence diagrams, you're relying too much on state-modifying … | |
Re: What is 'device' supposed to be? I don't think you should be using inheritance for this problem. It's very weird to see the base class receiving the child class as an argument, especially to insert. There's no hope of getting real help if you don't paste real code. You probably … | |
Re: [QUOTE=jbennet;716619]The key parts of most compilers are written in C itself, or in ASM.[/QUOTE] Bullshit. | |
Re: Your chance of good advice about Fortran and BASIC materials are low; they are not very commonly used languages any more. A good recommendation about algorithms can't be given without knowing how much experience you have. | |
Re: You don't need any mathematical knowledge to start a computer science degree, aside from the ability to do obvious algebra, like being able to tell that x = z - y if you know that x + y = z. What is required (to be [i]good[/i] at CS) is just … | |
Re: [url]http://rentacoder.com/[/url] | |
Re: One way to clean this up is to avoid letrec. Instead, write [code](define (quicksort L) (define (split piv li return) ...) (if (null? L) L ...))[/code] Another thing is that godawful quasiquote notation. You could also clean it up by having split take two parameters in place of return, and … | |
Re: Try fiddling with the equations some more. Also note that 1+D=D. |
The End.