So am a mech. engineering student and work part time in a small IT dept. Well I want to learn programming, unfortunately with a heavy course-load combined with working, I don't have time to take a class so I have to go the self-taught route. I have been trying to decide what language to learn first, which would be the best for a beginner with no prior programming experience. I have been searching forum post and it seems that many programmers suggest that the first program should be geared to the specific type of programing you will be doing. (i.e. web pages = php) Well, I have no specific area. I just want to be a well-rounded programmer. And over time learn php, C++, etc. But where does the average Joe start? So far I'm leaning toward Python, is this a decent "starter" language?

Thanks in advance.

>which would be the best for a beginner with no prior programming experience
It really doesn't matter. You'll learn how to program regardless of which language you choose, and the only way to figure out if you'll be comfortable for the long haul in learning a language is to start learning it. So pick a language that interests you and start teaching yourself the basics of it. If you ultimately decide that the language isn't for you at the time, you'll still have gained some experience.

Python is friendly and relatively painless.

Thanks to you both, I began a Python tutorial this weekend and so far I love it. "Hello World!" lol

commented: Whoo! =) +4

Thanks to you both, I began a Python tutorial this weekend and so far I love it. "Hello World!" lol

Yes, another person who is entertained, and not aggravated, by programming! =)

Always keep that perspective, no matter how hard it is to learn something! You'll find programming very fulfilling! =)

commented: wprds of wisdom +1

QBasic is a "starter" language.(sometimes)

QBasic is a "starter" language.(sometimes)

QBasic is an "outdated" language. (always)

commented: Agreed. +15

i am also a mech engineer and working know as software engineer in a good company yes your right maximum people other than it we faced a same problem like you but we have solution you, first learn php which is not difficult than any other languages pythan is more difficult you should concentrate on php know and later you can change to your wish

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