How can i print the lower and upper triangles of matrix
Please guide me in writing the code.
i don't know even how to start writing the code.
Please help.

>>i don't know even how to start writing the code
Start here

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;

int main()
    // put your code here


First, you need to declare the matrix. How many dimensions does it have (2, 3, 4, 5, ...) What dimensions does it have? What type (int, short, double, char*, or something else?)

>>i don't know even how to start writing the code
Start here

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;

int main()
    // put your code here


First, you need to declare the matrix. How many dimensions does it have (2, 3, 4, 5, ...) What dimensions does it have? What type (int, short, double, char*, or something else?)

i want to know that after accepting values from user what i have to do to print the triangles.

Do you mean you need to print the LU factorization of the matrix?

if so, perhaps this page might be of some assistance...

i want that if matrix is
then i want to print lower triangle
that is
and upper triangle

Oh, well in that case, how are you storing the matrix? Probably an array of numbers, I would guess.

If you are just starting, might be easiest to use a 2D array; declare an mxn array of integers (or whatever data type you need to hold, where m = number of rows, n = number of columns). If you are dealing strictly with square matrices, then m = n.

For the upper triangular one:
Simply loop through and print out the first n entries of row 1, (n-1) entries of row 2, (n-2) entries of row 3, ... , (n - (m-1)) = (n - m + 1) entries of row m.

If you are a little heavier on the math side, you could also try to implement it using a 1D array, (after all, a rectangular 2D array is really just a 1D array in disguise).

Ummm, the lower triangular one is very similar, if you can see the pattern then you should be on track to solving it now..

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