I ran my C++ program and got these error messages. I have no idea what they mean. :?: Will somone please help.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl GetInformation(int,int,int,char (* const)[15],char (* const)[15],float * const,float * const,float * const,float * const,float * const)" (?GetInformation@@YAHHHHQAY0P@D0QAM1111@Z) referenced in function _main

fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Somewhere within your function main() is another function called GetInformation() that is screwed up! This function maybe internal or more likely from a DLL or library.

We need to know your compiler, operating system and a code snippet.

I ran my C++ program and got these error messages. I have no idea what they mean. :?: Will somone please help.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl GetInformation(int,int,int,char (* const)[15],char (* const)[15],float * const,float * const,float * const,float * const,float * const)" (?GetInformation@@YAHHHHQAY0P@D0QAM1111@Z) referenced in function _main

fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

You sure did not get this message when running your program - it is a linker error complaining that it did not find a certain function (that would be GetInformation). You are not quite specific, but some of the possible problems would be :
- The function is in a library that you link statically to the program, but the library itself is not present;
- The function is in a C++ file that is not placed within a project, and therefore the compiler does not include it in the linking phase;
- You are calling the function with incorrect parameters, the linker tries to find an overloaded func with signature matching the call and fails.

So, check your libraries, your C++ files and your parameters when you call this function.

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