// file celsius to F
// calculate from c to f in the depth st
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
float celsiusAtDepth (float);
float CtoF (float);
int main ()
float depth;
float tempF, tempC;
// get depth
cout<< " Enter depth in Km " ;
cin>> depth;
//calculate temp
tempC = celsiusAtDepth(depth);
tempF = CtoF (tempC);
//display result
cout << " At a depth of " << depth << " km inside the earth , " ;
cout<< "\n the temperature would be : " << tempC << "degrees C , \n the temperature would be " << cout << tempF<< "degree F " << endl;
system ( "pause " ) ;
float celsiusAtdepth ( float depth)
return ( (10 * depth) +20);
float CtoF (float cel)
return (cel *1.8 +32 );
I dont know what the error with this program ,please help me