This has me a bit stumped but I must be doing something wrong here, if you don't mind checking this for me would be greatly appreciated.

int main ()
	int input;

		cout << "Enter a positive intiger to determin if it is odd or even (-1 to cancel): "; 
		cin >> input; 

	if ( input != -1) 
 		cout << "Thank you please close the program./n"; 
	else if  (input%2 == 0) 
		cout << "The number is Even./n"; 

		cout << "The Number is Odd./n"; 

return 0; 

Well you need a loop if you want to keep asking the user for input until they enter -1.

  bool done = false;

  while (!done){
    // ask for input and do my processing 
    // when input is -1, set done to true and exit. 
    done = true;


It's a little ambiguous what the problem is. Do you want to repeat till a -1 is entered? If so, see stilllearning's post. If the problem is that your console closes too fast to see the output and you want to keep the console open, see this thread:

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