Well, I have recently created a "translation" program. It basically asks what languages you would like to translate between, then goes to the appropriate page on a translation website. I have integrated an option to keep using a language, rather than having to start at the main menu again. Except, my loop doesn't seem to want to reset. Could anybody help?
# Translate
import webbrowser
def engtospa():
a = "http://translate.google.com/translate_t#en|es|"
b = raw_input("What do you want to translate?\n> ")
if b == "stop":
loop1 = False
print "Success."
def spatoeng():
a = "http://translate.google.com/translate_t#es|en|"
b = raw_input("What do you want to translate?\n> ")
if b == "stop":
loop1 = False
print "Success."
# Main Menu
def main():
print "Welcome to the translation program. Do you want to translate..."
print "1 - English to Spanish"
print "2 - Spanish to English"
lang = input("> ")
if lang == 1:
print "Do you want to stay with this language?"
print "1 - Yes"
print "2- No"
ans = input("> ")
if ans == 1:
loop1 = True
print "You can exit this any time by entering the word 'stop'"
while loop1 == True:
elif ans == 2:
elif lang == 2:
print "Do you want to stay with this language?"
print "1 - Yes"
print "2- No"
ans = input("> ")
if ans == 1:
loop1 = True
print "You can exit this any time by entering the word 'stop'"
while loop1 == True:
elif ans == 2:
# Loop
while True:
The problem...well I will just show you a log of my script.
Welcome to the translation program. Do you want to translate...
1 - English to Spanish
2 - Spanish to English
> 1
Do you want to stay with this language?
1 - Yes
2- No
> 1
You can exit this any time by entering the word 'stop'
What do you want to translate?
> ball
What do you want to translate?
> stop
What do you want to translate?
It SHOULD set "loop1" to false when I enter the string "stop" because of my If statements in engtospa() and spatoeng(), but it does not for some reason. Could somebody help me out?
Thanks in advance.