Hi I have a question regarding python, I have been meaning to study the language for sometime now just have not got around to it, Im looking to start soon but I read an article about how Python 3.0 is very different from the earlier versions. Will it be worth studying the earlier build or should I wait for 3.0 before starting?

I'm not sure that python 3.0 will be so different from the previous versions from the point of vue of the end user. You can already try python 2.6 wich was written as to incorporate many new features of python 3.0. Read the what's new at python.org http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.6.html

Yes, studying Python 3.0 or an earlier version (apart from 2.6) will not really make much difference to you. The fundamental changes are really hidden in the advanced features mostly (besides integer division and class creation I believe).

If you start with 2.5, you'll still have all the basics and be able to jump into 3.0 swinging.

Actually Python30 has made quite a number of changes that will make a beginner stumble when using much of the existing code samples.

I would recommend using Python25 or Python26 to get started. Python30 is still too early to play with for beginners and important modules like pygame and wxpython are not available yet.

Python? That is for children. A Klingon Warrior uses only machine code, keyed in on the front panel switches in raw binary.

Python? That is for children. A Klingon Warrior uses only machine code, keyed in on the front panel switches in raw binary.

I think you will use maany years searching for 1 error where you typed 100010 instead of 100001 :)

As luck would have it, I am not a Klingon Warrior. I understand the Klingon programmers are now starting to use C, without comments and indentations, as their macho language. :)

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