im making a program that will let you play rock paper scissors with the computer.
the code will be in function format with a switch statement for the menu.
this is how it should look:
welcome to rock paper scissors!
select a choice
1. rock
2. paper
3. scissors
4. quit
choice: rock
you picked rock.
the computer picked paper
you lose. paper wraps rock
hit enter key to continue......
program should loop to menu again and continue until you decide to quit.
as you quit, it should display how many games you won and how many games the computer won along with any ties.
this is my assignment and im confused as to how my layout should be,
we have just learned how to use function, and since im still new to that aspect, its hard for me to apply it rather than just to one long block of code (this code has to be a function by the way)
any help would be appreciated.