I have time to complete this, I have to add 2 void functions, 2 value returning functions, 1 structure and on array. I just need some ideas on where to start, what should I convert to functions, how should I instill stuctures and arrays to this particular program. I'm going to add another character, another menu. Any guidance on how to polish this code up would be greatly appreciated.
using namespace std;
int main()
// Declare and initialize variables
string fileUname = " ";
string uname = " ";
int fileScore = 0;
int charaChoice = 0;
int mainChoice = 0;
int weapChoice = 0;
int score = 0;
int harry = 100;
int yoda = 200;
int gandolf = 300;
int wand = 0;
int lSaber = 0;
int magic;
int weapRand = 0, i=0;
int magicRand = 0, y=0;
// Introduction
cout<< "****************************\n";
cout<< "*********BE A HERO**********\n";
cout<< "****************************\n\n\n\n";
// Prompt user for name
cout << "Enter your name: ";
// Display main menu around a Do while loop
cout<<"Please choose from the following menu\n";
cout<<"\t1) See rules\n";
cout<<"\t2) Play game\n";
cout<<"\t3) Exit\n";
cout<<"Enter choice here "<<uname<<": ";
case 1:
cout<<"\tChoose 2 to start playing the game then pick a character and weapon\n\n\n";
case 2:
cout<<"\tGet ready for your adventure!!!\n";
case 3:
cout<<"\tThanks for playing!!!Bye\n";
return 0;
cout<<"Invalid choice please choose from the menu.\n";
// Display character menu
cout<<"Please choose from one of the following heroes\n";
cout<<"\t1) Harry Potter\n";
cout<<"\t2) Yoda\n";
cout<<"\t3) Gandolf\n";
cout<<"Enter choice here "<<uname<<": ";
case 1:
charaChoice = harry;
case 2:
charaChoice = yoda;
cout<<"Do or do not! There is no try!\n";
case 3:
charaChoice = gandolf;
cout<<"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!\n";
cout<< "Invalid choice choose again: ";
// cout << charaChoice<<endl;
// Display weapon menu
cout<<"Please choose one from the following weapons\n";
cout<<"\t1) Wand\n";
cout<<"\t2) Light Saber\n";
cout<<"\t3) Magic\n";
cout<<"\t4) Finish\n";
cout<<"Enter choice here "<<uname<<": ";
// if statement : if the user picks Flamethrower or Bow and arrow
// randomly generate number from 1-4 for practice session
if (weapChoice == 1){
weapChoice = wand;
srand(time(NULL)); //seed random number generator
//generate 4 numbers
// for(i=1; i<=4; i++){
weapRand = rand()%4 + 1; //generate a random number from 1 to 4
// }
if (weapRand == 1){
cout<< "You hit Target A, 100 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 100;
else if (weapRand == 2){
cout<< "You hit Target B, 200 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 200;
else if (weapRand == 3){
cout<< "You hit Target C, 300 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 300;
cout<<"You missed the targets"<<endl;
// cout<<weapRand<<endl;
if (weapChoice == 2){
weapChoice = lSaber;
srand(time(NULL)); //seed random number generator
//generate 4 numbers
weapRand = rand()%4 + 1; //generate a random number from 1 to 4
if (weapRand == 1){
cout<< "You hit Target A, 100 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 100;
else if (weapRand == 2){
cout<< "You hit Target B, 200 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 200;
else if (weapRand == 3){
cout<< "You hit Target C, 300 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 300;
cout<<"You missed the targets"<<endl;
// cout<<weapRand<<endl;
// if the user chooses magic user will randomly generate #
// between 1-2 : if 1 increment 200 points if 2 decrement 100 points
if (weapChoice == 3){
srand(time(NULL)); //seed random number generator
magicRand = rand()%2 + 1;
//generate 2 numbers
// }
// magicRand = rand()%2 + 1; //generate a random number from 1 to 2
if (magicRand == 1){
cout<< "Your magic worked, 200 points!!"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 200;
else if (magicRand == 2){
cout<< "Your magic didn't work, minus 100 points"<<endl;
charaChoice = charaChoice + 200;
// cout<<magicRand<<endl;
//weapChoice = magic;
while(weapChoice != 4);
cout << "Your score is "<<charaChoice<<endl;
// if score reaches below 1 or after 10 tries end game
// (outside of program) create text file "highscore.txt" containing first name and value 0
// read in highscore.txt
// if score is greater than value in file replace with users name and score else do not change the file
ifstream infile;
infile.open("highscore.txt", ios::in);
ofstream outfile;
if(charaChoice > fileScore)
outfile.open("highscore.txt", ios::out);
outfile<<uname<<" "<<charaChoice<<endl;
return 0;