Ok ive actually got a bootstrapper going and can display text using int10h using the BIOS interrupts but im wondering is this the only way to tell the computer what to do at the lowest level, by communicating with the BIOS service interrupts, how does windows and stuff do it.

yes and no.

on the one hand you could actually rewrite everything from the scratch (driver for harddisks, basic graficcardoperations etc) - BIOS is also written in ASM. This is possible of course but will take you ages. So you better use the BIOS-interrupts.

Linux and Win use also mainly BIOS. Textoutput, harddrives, video output, etc. Some stuff is laterly rewritten (eg WinNT/Linux: text output) to replace certain BIOS-functions. But that doesn't make sense for us as hobby-programmers as BIOS is a very, very stable library that you can use for free. So why not using it?

ok sounds good, i was just curious

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