Hello friends,

I have a problem in my stock trading terminal . Its not working properly as what it should be . i think i got a problem with applet .. At the status bar,it says "Applet RTApplet started" .. how to solve this ?? can anybody help me please??

propably your applet is working just fine, but you might have got some errors in your code that you overlooked.
there could be a whole lot of answers to this question, since quite a lot can go wrong. but as far as I checked, none of us is a clairvoyant, so it's no use asking us what's wrong with your code as long as you don't show it to us.

Actually i installed sun java (jre pack) from their site . so how can i access the code ?? can anybody tell me??

just post the code that YOU wrote here. saying what JDK or JRE you installed, won't tell us where you could've made errors in your work

friend, actually i dont know how to get the code .. how?? ..please tell me..

What code? You aren't making a bit of sense. If it's some applet that someone else wrote, you need to ask them what's wrong with it.

the thing is that i cant able to get the code because the page source code is locked . i mean the trading terminal page..now have your say buddy

commented: My "say" would be you need to figure out that we can't help you with someone else's applet code, genius. -3
commented: my say is ... there might be a reason it's copy-protected. write your own code +0

the thing is that i cant able to get the code because the page source code is locked . i mean the trading terminal page..now have your say buddy

Hostile, aren't we? What do you expect anyone here to do? You probably don't have access to the source code because you aren't supposed to have access to the source code.

friend lol, we do seem a bit hostile
i can bet this is the sharekahn app i have saw tons of problems about

just because i am nice, check out this link, the bottom post

commented: +rep for mind reading ability. I had no idea what the OP was talking about. +8

so friends,, you people facing that problem and dont know the anwer ,..right??.. no one in this forum know the solution???..nobody??

did you read my last post?

so friends,, you people facing that problem and dont know the anwer ,..right??.. no one in this forum know the solution???..nobody??

the answer is .. you're trying to STEAL code. why would we even want to help you, especially if you ignore those who actually try to help you?

commented: Well said. +8

friend lol, we do seem a bit hostile
i can bet this is the sharekahn app i have saw tons of problems about

just because i am nice, check out this link, the bottom post

If you made that "last post", and you're truely talking about a "Microsoft VM", you deserve all the problems you're getting. That thing is a decade old and was never compliant to begin with.

lol no no, that wasn't me that posted in that forum, i did a good a google search for
Applet RTApplet started

and pretty much every single one was flooded with this sharekahn thing

lol no no, that wasn't me that posted in that forum, i did a good a google search for
Applet RTApplet started

and pretty much every single one was flooded with this sharekahn thing

Oh, sorry, I, somehow or another, thought it was the OP that made the post I quoted. Sorry. ;)

that is a major noooo, all good

seems like many people have just run into the same countless problems he has

so friends,, you people facing that problem and dont know the anwer ,..right??.. no one in this forum know the solution???..nobody??

We don't even know what the problem is, much less the solution. dickersonka gave the best guess as to what it is, and you haven't even bothered to confirm that that is indeed what the problem is. It's one big game of 20 Questions.

now its 21, this guy is a joke

Hey, hey, hey,tangaraforyou,
Did you notice?
In my signature it states Make love, no war.
The make love part does not mean that is is needed that you have to behave like most rabbits do. It really maens to make love, to be friend.
Why do you think you have all the knowledge? I would never dare to pretend that.
But I know some guys with very smal dicks or willys who act the same way as you do.

very true ddanbe

just gets frustrating when you make post with an answer, and then the original poster doesn't read it and posts back

so friends,, you people facing that problem and dont know the anwer ,..right??.. no one in this forum know the solution???..nobody??

i shall put my sword away

dickersonka,I don't even have a sword, but I shall put it away like you did..

hmmmz... we're going from ddanbe's post about small dicks to swords who are being put away...
sure that is a Java issue? :P

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