I want to use find command for searching file in the database, but if I add "and" command i received error. It is possible to use and in Find command
I try to this syntax but it is error
.Open "Select *From salary'", strconek, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
.Find "empno = '" + vempno + "'" and "salary_month = '"smonth"'", 0, adSearchForward
if not (.eof)
msg existing
accept data
Anybody can help me to fix this error or anyone have idea what command to use for searching a file.. The main purpose of me is to chech the employeenumber and salaryofthemonth if existing or not..
what command I will use to seek both employee number and salaryofthemonth as joint conditional statement for searching file in the database.
thanks in advance