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136 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for dhanya_piit

enclose the table name in [] like [hello world] hope it solves ur problem Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for Emil_9
Member Avatar for imagetvr

If crystal report is installed, then u can find the Crystal Report Viewer OCX control in VB IDE in the components. Add the crystal report control to your form and configure it to show the required report. [code] 'use whatever is the path of your report 'i have assumes that …

Member Avatar for Nilesh_11
Member Avatar for wegdan

Dont open the recordset in form load event. [code] 'in the module Global con As New Connection Global tel_idx As New Recordset 'in the form load event 'Also dont hardcode the database path 'con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Telephone_Index\Telephone_Index.mdb" 'Write something like this con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Telephone_Index.mdb" 'Remove this line …

Member Avatar for jhaiyz
Member Avatar for caltech

Try This Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim objRecip As Recipient Dim strMsg As String Dim res As Integer Dim strBcc As String 'ADDED LINES ********* Dim nameSel As Outlook.SelectNamesDialog 'ADDED LINES ********* On Error Resume Next ' #### USER OPTIONS #### ' address for Bcc …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for vividiah

As per your code my assumptions 1) conn is ADODB.Connection for access DB 2) iMUSIC is table in SQL Server DB Private Sub ListTemp_Click() Dim sqltambah As String 'Better Add Error Handler Code also On Error goto ListTemp_Click_Error 'if you already have an active ADODB.Connection to your SQL Server Schema …

Member Avatar for vividiah
Member Avatar for jaasaria

U need not select the items to remove them. Loop thru all the items in the listview with index for tracking the item against the loop variable. compare the values of each item and delete which ever match the criteria. when deletion occurs the indices of the items following the …

Member Avatar for bluemarine90
Member Avatar for nagatron

Try this. [code] Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() On Error GoTo errhan Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient SQL = "Select * from profile2 where name like '" & Trim(fldSearch.Text) & "%'" rst.Open SQL, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly MSFlexGrid1.Clear While Not rst.EOF 'replace field1,field2 etc with the fields u want MSFlexGrid1.addItem …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for cfrutos

u can use sequential/bubble/quick sort techniques. here is one of the logic for sorting [code] Dim a(5) as Integer Dim i as Integer Dim j as Integer a(0) = 10 a(1) = 9 a(2) = 13 a(3) = 45 a(4) = 7 For i = 0 to 4 For j …

Member Avatar for jeremiahballos
Member Avatar for androidz

Corrected Code [code] Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyC Then If Shift = 2 Then Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText grd.Clip End If End If End Sub [/code] PS: For this to work set the KeyPreview Property of the your FORM to "True" Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for androidz
Member Avatar for PM312

Hi, You can delete any file from the disk using the KILL command Syntax: KILL <filename with path> Before deleting any file you can check if it exists in the path or not first. [CODE] If Dir("D:\PRLIST.XLS", vbNormal) <> "" Then If MsgBox("DELETE FILE?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "DELETION") = vbYes …

Member Avatar for PM312
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

Hi!!! Use the following syntax for the SQL Query [code] SELECT * from customer where customercode = ? [/code] ? will display the parameter in the parameter tab

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for TOROOOLOLOOLO

with reference to QVeen72 earlier post, if u have copied and pasted the code for the SQL Query then maybe the table name u have got wrong. [code] Select * From MyTable Where Fees Between ? And ? [/code] Here replace the MyTable with relevant table name of ur database.

Member Avatar for anandlalroy
Member Avatar for elanch

plz post the sample code. or upload the project in ZIP format. Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for udaraps
Member Avatar for AWPROGRAMMER

u can maintain a table in the schema itself which maps the UIDs to their respective excel files. read the data from the table using adodb or any other way u can access the data and open the specific file related to that UID.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for vighnesh
Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for tejubjp

Please refer my thread for the requirement [url][/url] hope this solves ur doubt.

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for npstyler

try the following thread from another forum. may be something u can get from there. Also there is another freeware called ghostscript which if totally free, s its free. u can find it on sourceforge. [url][/url] Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for cocol
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

Hi! I don't know how u have managed to assign the client number to a variable. but here is one way to do so. when u execute the query using the Execute function, all the values retrieved are as a recordset. For Eg: [CODE] Dim myGrade as String Dim myClientNo …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TenaciousBey

Use Form_KeyDown event [CODE] Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) 'make sure KeyPreview is True on Form Properties On Error Resume Next Select Case KeyCode Case vbKey 'Then Find which key you want to use from the list below 'Code to run when key is pressed End Select …

Member Avatar for Romil797
Member Avatar for hanzi_ru

Plz if u can post the little code u have tried and failed, what database u r using, tables and their field names involved in this, then it will b easy and quick for us to help u with the problem. Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for dzul73
Member Avatar for fauzanf

Try following links. u will get some idea of storing images in a SQL Server table. [url][/url] [url][/url]

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gingank
Member Avatar for Beatle Bailey

Check the following thread. I have written some code. May be of some help. If not then u may post back for further requirement stating some sample data. [url][/url]

Member Avatar for vipin saxena
Member Avatar for dalemahan
Member Avatar for kathy_51289

Check out this thread. [url][/url] If you want to build some more graphical games then check out this link. [url][/url] [url][/url]

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Do u want to write this code : a) from within an Excel file in VBA Editor? OR b) from within Word file in VBA Editor? OR c) from VISUAL BASIC IDE? Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for h.khuraidah
Member Avatar for RahulV

Please post some sample data. Say 5 records for each table. and the desired result output. I will try help u out with this. by the way, which db r u using? MS-Access or SQL Server or... Regards Shaik Akthar

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for abu taher

Plz post the procedure u have coded for the AddNew button. and for the other error also for the Show button

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for abu taher

The End.