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40 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for RahulV

Kindly tell me how can I insert data from a bi-dimensional array [I]ex. array1(10,10) [/I] to a DataGrid/DBGrid and visa-versa. Please explain with a sample source code.

Member Avatar for pankaj7040
Member Avatar for RahulV

[B]--URGENT--[/B] I have created a database in Access 2007 ([COLOR="Red"][B]*.accdb[/B][/COLOR]) format but im not able to connect it to VB6.0 project to access the data. i know how to connect using Access 97 / 2000 ([B][COLOR="Red"]*.mdb[/COLOR][/B]) format but how to connect and use DML queries on a Access 2007 file …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, Please tell me how to sign a PDF with a digital signature using VB programming. Thanks.

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, I've a really huge recordset having lacks of records. For some reasons I've to take all the records into an array (using loop) to do some processing and then put it into a grid. Now since the recordset is huge the memory is not able to handle the array …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for koolsamjust4u

[QUOTE=maheshsayani;866518]Hi Sameer, If you are using VB6 then u need to use Command object. Please see the below example Dim mobjConn As ADODB.Connection Dim mobjCmd As ADODB.Command Dim mobjRst As ADODB.Recordset Set mobjCmd = New ADODB.Command mobjCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc mobjCmd.Parameters.Append mobjCmd.CreateParameter("<Param Name> ", <Param Datatype>, <Param Type>, ,<Value>) mobjCmd.CommandText = …

Member Avatar for SANJAY.DESHMUKH
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, What can I do to open or bring up an already open child form inside a parent MDI form, (that are already visible in the window's menu but beneath other child forms) when their respective menu buttons are clicked once again? Is there any collection or array to access …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, I am working with ListView. How can a ListView have multiple columns and also have CheckBox at the same time? (preferably in its View property set as "Report")

Member Avatar for vipin saxena
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, What all are the ways to synchronize two SQL databases? If there is a way to do it via query or code, what is that query/code? Please help. Thank you.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for RahulV

Can we use any C# or VB.NET controls or components in VB 6.0? or Is there any place where we can get free controls or components for VB 6.0?

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi Friends, Can there be a query that will SELECT fields of a table and group a column (say "CustomerID") and show all its rows along with its subtotals and then its Grandtotal in the result returned? For Example, CustID Items Cost ExtraCharges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 Cofee 15.00 2.00 A1 Tea …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for RahulV

[INDENT][B][COLOR="Red"]URGENT[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] Hi FRIENDS, Pls help me with this. I need to display a form/dialog with any grid which contains only checkboxes in the first column and data in the other two columns. And my goal is to retrieve ONLY the data from the columns where the checkboxes are checked. pls …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, [icode]Environment.SpecialFolder[/icode], this returns a enum without having a [icode] public GetEnumerator();[/icode], , can u tell me how to access the values like by using foreach statement?

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, What is the units (e.g bytes or kb or mb etc) in which [inlinecode] HttpWebResponse.ContentLength;[/inlinecode] returns its value? Also that of [inlinecode] Stream.Length;[/inlinecode] I'm using Thank you. [INDENT][INDENT][all ur help is highly appreciated][/INDENT][/INDENT]

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, I open notepads and other applications using shell during runtime. But now I want to check out whether these applications are open or not. How am I supposed to do that?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, I have created a project using MS Access db its working fine except one. A dialogue box opens up when running its exe, saying [B]"Please enter MS JET OLE DB initialization information."[/B] But I have provided all the DB connection information and other related information at runtime during initialization …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, In the VB projects that use Access Databases, its found that the user is able to access the database directly (manually) ie by reaching the file and double clicking it open. But, what all can i do to prevent the user from directly accessing and using the database? What …

Member Avatar for zela
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, Consider there are 3 tables as following: Table1 ============================================================================================= | SerialNum | Date | B | C | D | Table2Number | Table2_Amount | Table3Number | Table3_Amount| ============================================================================================= | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for RahulV

[COLOR="Red"]URGENT[/COLOR] Hi, Ive found that earlier when i used DataControl in any of my Forms it did not give any problem worked fine. But after sometime when i started to run those Forms it gave me an error message (to debug) of "Visual Studio 2008" (Just-In-Time Debugger). I felt that …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for sham

Let me try to help in this case, (Since i got the same doubt), See, there is a DataEnvironment, it has a Connection object and both's required properties set at design time. There is also a Command1 which has a SQL string command which is set during design time. Now, …

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for RahulV

[code=visualbasic] Private Declare Function Function_Name Lib "user32" () As Datatype [/code] I've found such lines used in many VB6 projects and tutorials. What is it? What actually is this used for? Are there more such function? How to find out more such function/properties? A detail explanation will be helpful and …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, How can i open a PDF file in Form instead of using a shell to open it? Also i want to select some text in the opened PDF file and store it in a variable. Thank you.

Member Avatar for SlyMaelstrom
Member Avatar for RahulV

Consider this VB6 source code [code=visualbasic] Public bc As Boolean Dim x As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() If bc Then MsgBox x Exit Sub Else Call exec End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() bc = True Call Command1_Click End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() bc = False End Sub Public …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for RahulV

hi, i've created a Form1 which contains a long running process. But i want an feature that will help the user to stop the running process in between, when i click a Button or some other control. How is it possible?

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for RahulV

How can one send the data in a Form's controls like textboxes, labels, comboboxes etc. to a Datareport? Does anyone have a suggestion?

Member Avatar for andy_aphale
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, My parent MDI form (MDIForm1) has opens various child forms on their respective menu click events. I want to know that : 1) How will I check if a particular child form is already open? 2) On closing the MDIForm1 if any of the child forms are open then …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, Im not able to center a child form of a parent MDIForm (MDIForm1) it shows up error message "Invalid property value" while setting the StartUpPosition property to 1-CenterOwner, or 2-CenterScreen, or 3-WindowsDefault of the child form. How can I set all the StartUpPosition property of the child form? Please …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hai, Once again im here with a problem. Can u help me write a program to search a file in the project folder. I also want to use a progress bar to represent the search status. Can anyone help!!! Thank you!!!

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hai, I have a multi-line TextBox (Text1), whenever i click a button (cmdPrint) the contents of this Text1 should be printed out to a Printer selected using a Comon Dialog Box (cdlgPrint). Can u help! An explanation to ur codes will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Comatose

The End.