I need some help with this binary search tree. I am having a problem printing out the tree. I don't quite understand how to do it. I know that I need to use recursive call to traverse to the end of the tree but the way the header file is written I can not find any examples any where on the net like the header file. (Header file provided by instructor can not be changed) The instructions say when a 'p' is read in from the file the printforward function is to print out to the terminal the continents of the tree in order.
Can someone please help me?
Also did I set up the insert function correctly?
Here is what I have written so far plus the header and test driver.

#ifndef BSTREE_H
#define BSTREE_H

#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class FullBSTree						// Exception class

class EmptyBSTree						// Exception class

class NotFoundBSTree					// Exception class

typedef char SomeType;					// Set SomeType as a char

struct BSTreeNode						// Node of BSTree
  SomeType data;						// Data stored in node
  BSTreeNode* leftPtr;					// Pointer to left subtree
  BSTreeNode* rightPtr;					// Pointer to right subtree

class BSTree							// BSTree Abstract Data Type
  BSTreeNode* rootPtr;					// Pointer to root of BSTree

  BSTree();								// Default constructor
  ~BSTree();							// Destructor
  void InsertItem(SomeType item);		// Inserts item into BSTree
  void DeleteItem(SomeType item);		// Deletes item from BSTree if present
  void MakeEmpty();						// Deallocates all BSTree nodes and sets root to NULL
  int Size() const;						// Returns total number of data values stored
  bool IsFull() const;					// Returns true if BSTree full, false otherwise
  bool IsEmpty() const;					// Returns true if BSTree empty, false otherwise
  string ForwardPrint() const;			// Returns tree items concatenated in order for printing
  string ReversePrint() const;			// Returns tree items concatenated in reverse order for printing

#include "bstree.h"
#include <new>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

BSTree::BSTree()                    			// Default constructor
	rootPtr = NULL;

BSTree::~BSTree()                               // Destructor

void BSTree::InsertItem(SomeType item)          // Inserts item into BSTree
    BSTreeNode* tempPtr, * leftPtr, * rightPtr;
	if (rootPtr == NULL)
        tempPtr = new BSTreeNode;
        tempPtr->data = item;
        tempPtr->leftPtr = NULL;
        tempPtr->rightPtr = NULL;
        rootPtr = tempPtr;
	else if (item < rootPtr->data)
		tempPtr = new BSTreeNode;
        tempPtr->data = item;
        leftPtr = tempPtr;
        tempPtr = new BSTreeNode;
        tempPtr->data = item;
        rightPtr = tempPtr;
	cout << item;

void BSTree::DeleteItem(SomeType item)          // Deletes item from BSTree if present
	if (rootPtr == NULL)
	    throw FullBSTree();
	if (item == rootPtr->data)
  		cout << rootPtr->data;
		delete rootPtr;

void BSTree::MakeEmpty()                        // Deallocates all BSTree nodes and sets root to NULL

int BSTree::Size() const                        // Returns total number of data values stored
    BSTreeNode* tempPtr;
 	int numberOfNodes = 0;
	if(rootPtr == NULL)
	    return 0;

bool BSTree::IsFull() const                     // Returns true if BSTree full, false otherwise
    BSTreeNode* fullPtr;
		fullPtr = new BSTreeNode;
		delete fullPtr;
		return false;
	catch ( bad_alloc )
		return true;

bool BSTree::IsEmpty() const                    // Returns true if BSTree empty, false otherwise
	return (rootPtr == NULL);

here is the problem function
string BSTree::ForwardPrint() const             // Returns tree items concatenated in order for printing
	string inputs;
	 if ( rootPtr != NULL )
	 {  // (Otherwise, there's nothing to print.)
     	    // Print the root item.
		while (rootPtr->leftPtr != NULL)
            inputs = rootPtr->leftPtr->data;
			return inputs;
		    // Print items in left subtree.
        ForwardPrint();   // Print items in right subtree.


string BSTree::ReversePrint() const             // Returns tree items concatenated in reverse order for printing
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "bstree.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char * const argv[])
    BSTree tree;
	char command, letter;
	ifstream inputs;
	if (argc != 2)
		cout << "Usage: \n program07 <inputfile>\n";
        return 1;
	if (!inputs)
		cout << "Error - unable to open input file";
		return 1;
	inputs >> command;
		switch (command)
			case 'c':
                cout << "Constructor()" << endl;
			case '+':
                inputs >> letter;
                cout <<"+"; 
				cout << "\n";
			case '-':
                    inputs >> letter;
					cout << "DeleteItem('" << letter << "')";
                	cout <<"- " << letter << "\n";;
					cout << " -- '" << letter << "' not found" << endl;
			case 'p':
                cout << tree.ForwardPrint();
				cout <<"p\n";
			case 'r':
                cout <<"r\n";
			case 's':
				cout << tree.Size() << " ";
                cout <<"s\n";
            case 'm':
                cout <<"m\n";
			case 'd':
                cout <<"d\n";
				cout << "Command not recognized" << endl;

		inputs >> command;
	//cout << command;
	return 1;

Assuming that print forward is to print the data in ascending order all you have to do is inorder traversal
which should be something like this

void inorder(tree_ptr)
  if  ( tree_ptr -> left )
     inorder( tree_ptr->left);
//  print the value stored in this node
  if (   tree_ptr -> right )
     inorder( tree_ptr->right);

And reverse print is the opposite of the above algorithm. go right then left. Google inorder traversal for explanation.

And inserting a node in the tree is not that simple as you have wrote. google it

Also, when working with classes that allocate memory dynamically, you HAVE to write destructor that will free all allocated memory!

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