Hi there o/

My name is Thomas and I'm a C# Newbi looking for a project that I can join.
I'm currently reading Head First C# and am batteling my way through abstract classes and interfaces. So I thought - what better way to learn then to get some reel life experience :)

That's why I'm looking for a friendly project that can give me some challanges to work with and tutor a bit at the same time. And have no fear I will consult google before asking you ;)
But I do expect friendly feedback and a little help on both "Best practice" as well as "tricks off the trade".

My main interest are database app's , algorythims and ai - but I'm open towards anything.
I can dedicated 1 and sometime 2 days a week to the project.

So here's hoping to here from you o/

Best Wishes

Dear Thomas,
From your post, it seems you are eager to learn C#. That's fine! But for the time being I think it's best to continue your learning proces. Let your imagination work!
Start with simple projects on your own. A small game, a little DB with info from friends and family, a word crunching utility... The possibilities are endless. You will be supriced how many mistakes you can make in even a simple "Hello world" program. But you will learn enormously from those mistakes and if you get stuck send in your question, there are many here among us who will gladly help.
Happy programming!

Leaping into someone elses code is always harder than starting your own, sure find an interesting project to join, but, before you actually join in and commit, try and work on some of your own that will be relevant

Let me tell you something, before 2006 I have not idea even what .Net means but first thing that I do is to parse the MSDN and try the walkthrough that it provides one by one without being bored. when I encountred a problem I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, I try and I fail, ...... then I get it, you have to be level headed and perseverant

how many times have you said when using a computer, wouldn't it be easier if.....

thats a place to start, make all your would be's happen, you will learn a lot along the way

Hi there,

thank you all for the friendly advice.
Some years ago I started to learn gamedesign (mainly 3D,gameplay and concepting) - And here the all perveiling mantra was "Find a project to join as a newbie and learn from that".
I really enjoyed that approach and thought it would be the same with programming - but it turns out it isn't. I guess programmers are working more on their owne then in teams.

So I'll be hitting the books again and post my questions along the way - thank you all for you'r help :)

Best Wishes

The MSDN is the main ressource, recall that

I really enjoyed that approach and thought it would be the same with programming - but it turns out it isn't. I guess programmers are working more on their owne then in teams.

Nope, Just it will be rare to find an online project where they will carry someone who hasnt a clue yet. Most projects want people who can get coding and up and running. There are exceptions of course, but, at least if you have good fundementals in the language you've chosen before you start, the team are more likely to want to hear from you.

I think, there is a chance with the open source ones

Hi there o/

My name is Thomas and I'm a C# Newbi looking for a project that I can join.
I'm currently reading Head First C# and am batteling my way through abstract classes and interfaces. So I thought - what better way to learn then to get some reel life experience :)

That's why I'm looking for a friendly project that can give me some challanges to work with and tutor a bit at the same time. And have no fear I will consult google before asking you ;)
But I do expect friendly feedback and a little help on both "Best practice" as well as "tricks off the trade".

My main interest are database app's , algorythims and ai - but I'm open towards anything.
I can dedicated 1 and sometime 2 days a week to the project.

So here's hoping to here from you o/

Best Wishes

try this
this team wants people to help in developping their project

You want to help me in making apps for pocketpc using c#?

You want to help me in making apps for pocketpc using c#?

Yes definatly !
Please let me know how to contact you and what not, so we can sort out the details.

Oh, and thank you very much for you'r kind offer o/

Best Wishes

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