I need help with this code. I am already a week late on this part because part 2 took to long to code. I am not getting the LeatherBlueDot class to compile. I am getting a message that in my constructor statement saying each variable has private access in class SoftballInv3, but I used the super method to declare them. I am not if I am explaining this correctly. I am very new to Java and struggling. Can anyone help? I am posting three classes needed. The Test class is supposed to display the arrays. Here they are beginning with the Test class.
// Inventory program part two
// for softball inventories
// from Als sporting goods
public class SoftballInvTest3
// begins main method
public static void main ( String args[])
// creats a welcome message
System.out.println( "Welcome to Al's Sporting Goods softball inventory" );
// displays headers for the inventory
System.out.printf( "\n%4s%26s%10s%5s%9s%11s%13s", "ITEM", "BRAND NAME", "TYPE", "QTY",
// lists all of the arrays used in this program
int itemNumber[] = {1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006, 1007};
int ballCount[] = {36, 48, 12, 72, 24, 96, 24 };
double ballPrice[] = { 5.99, 4.99, 5.49, 6.99, 7.99, 1.99, 3.99 };
String itemName[] = {"Blue Dot-Worth", "Gold Dot-Worth", "Green Dot-Worth", "Super Blue Dot-Worth",
"Demarini Evil Ball", "Rawlings practice balls", "Demarini Core 44" };
double subTotal[] = new double [7];
double reStock[] = new double [7];
String coverType[] = {"leather", "synthetic", "synthetic", "leather", "synthetic",
"leather", "leather"};
// created new objects of softballinv2 class
SoftballInv3 softBall1 = new SoftballInv3();
LeatherBlueDot softBall2 = new LeatherBlueDot();
// uses methods of softballinv public class to determine value
softBall1.displayArrays(itemNumber, ballCount, ballPrice, itemName, subTotal);
softBall2.sortArrayName( itemName);
softBall2.displayArrays(itemNumber, ballCount, coverType, ballPrice, reStock, itemName, subTotal);
} // ends main method
} // ends public class
// This is class of SoftballInvPart3
// this file computes totals and
// creates array
public class SoftballInv3
private int item[]; // array of item numbers
private String name[];
private int balls[]; // array for quantity of balls
private double prices[]; // array for price of each ball
private double subs[]; // array created for totals of item inventory
// constructor that initializes arrays for each element of inventory list
public SoftballInv3(int itemNumber[], String itemName[], int ballCount[], double ballPrice[], double subTotal[])
item = itemNumber; // stores item number in array
balls = ballCount; // stores number of balls per for item number
prices = ballPrice; // stores price of each ball
subs = subTotal; // stores total price of each item
name = itemName; // stores brand Names
}// end public Softball array constructor
// method to display value of entire inventory
public void getTotalOfInv(double subs[])
double total = 0;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < subs.length; counter++ )
total += subs[ counter ];
System.out.printf( "\nTotal of entire inventory is: %.2f\n", total );
} // end set display value method
// method call to displays sorted arrays
public void displayArrays(int item[], int balls[], double prices[], String name[], double subs[])
for ( int j = 0; j < name.length; j++)
System.out.printf("%4s%26s%15s%9s%24.2f\n", item[j], name[j], balls[j],
prices[j], subs[j] = (balls[j] * prices[j]));
} // end method to display the arrays
// method to sort the the itemName array alphabetically
public void sortArrayName(String itemName[])
int j;
boolean flag = true; //to determine when the sort is finished
String temp;
while ( flag ) // loops through array while flag is false
flag = false;
for ( j = 0; j <itemName.length - 1; j++ )
if ( itemName[ j ].compareToIgnoreCase( itemName[ j+1 ] ) > 0 )
{ // ascending sort
temp = itemName[ j ];
itemName[ j ] = itemName[ j+1];
itemName [ j+1] = temp;
flag = true;
} // end if
} // end while
} // end class SoftballInv2
// This class is sub class of
// of the SoftballInv3 class
// that uses inheritance to add one more
// item to products
public class LeatherBlueDot extends SoftballInv3
private double stock[]; //re-stock fee for leather balls
private String cover[]; // initiates array variable
// five argument constructor
public LeatherBlueDot(int itemNumber[], String itemName[], String coverType[], int ballCount[],
double ballPrice[], double subTotal[], double reStock[])
super( item, name, balls, prices, subs );
getReStock( stock ); // method to add restocking fee
System.out.printf( "\nThe new inventory that adds a restocking fee and cover type:\n");
stock = reStock;
cover = coverType;
}// end constructor
// adds restocking fee to total price of each product
public void getReStock( double prices[] )
double stock = 0;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < prices.length; counter++ )
stock = prices[ counter ] * 1.05;
} // end method
public double getTotalOfInv()
return getTotalOfInv();
// method call to displays sorted arrays
public void displayArrays(int item[], String name[], String cover[], int balls[], double prices[],
double stock[], double subs[])
for ( int j = 0; j < name.length; j++)
System.out.printf("%4s%26s%15s%9s%24.2f\n", item[j], name[j], cover[j], balls[j],
prices[j], stock[j], subs[j] = (balls[j] * prices[j]));
} // end method to display the arrays