Anyone can help me or give me code C/C++ of detect sound from speaker
If have sound from speaker report " currently have sound"
If not "currently not sound:zzz: "

In unix or in windows ? You have got a tough homework.

Is that even possible? How can a computer program know if sound is actually coming out of the speakers or not? But maybe there's some interface with the sound card API that will indicate that ???

Is that even possible? How can a computer program know if sound is actually coming out of the speakers or not? But maybe there's some interface with the sound card API that will indicate that ???

My guess would be it would get even more specific...I.E different for each sound card, if it is possible. I guess you could always check to see what is being SENT to the sound card


Is that even possible? How can a computer program know if sound is actually coming out of the speakers or not? But maybe there's some interface with the sound card API that will indicate that ???

ya can use APIs but i iam not got the Apis function for it

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