If I initialize graphics in my program and then use cout the font appears bigger than normal and the cursor doesn't blink on the screen as it does when the graphics are not initialized.Is there any way I can use graphics as well as cout in my program?If yes how to do that.

Just a though but you may need to be a little be more specific when you say graphics... also i would suggest pasting some sample code, that demonstrates the problem


If I initialize graphics in my program and then use cout the font appears bigger than normal and the cursor doesn't blink on the screen as it does when the graphics are not initialized.Is there any way I can use graphics as well as cout in my program?If yes how to do that.

Which graphics library are you using? I wouldn't think cout would work with any windows graphics lib, since it's for streaming to the console. But apperantly I'm wrong?

If I initialize graphics in my program and then use cout the font appears bigger than normal and the cursor doesn't blink on the screen as it does when the graphics are not initialized.Is there any way I can use graphics as well as cout in my program?If yes how to do that.


There are two modes of programming in Borland C++.

1. text mode
2. graphics mode.

In text mode, we have 80 columns and 50 rows in windows xp but in graphics mode, we have 640 columns and 480 rows.
Every mode has its own define functions. We cannot use text mode function and graphics mode similarly, its opposite is too.

"cout " works only in text mode. It cannot be used in graphics mode instead you have to use graphics function to print some text in graphics mode.

try this function in graphics mode. outtextxy(x,y,"string to write");

int x = 300;
int y=200;
outtextxy(x,y,"Hello World");

//output:- The text will be printed approximately in the center of the graphic mode screen


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