Just trying to compile some code with tcc:


main ()


int x = 10;
int *p;
p = &x;
x = 40;
printf(%d %d %d %d”,x,&x,p,&p);


Trying to learn about pointers and memory addresses and I took the code right out of the book, any help?

Don't use %d to print out pointers.

Other than that, try explaining what you expect the code to do, and then compare that with what the code does.

Don't use a word processor as a text editor. Fancy quotes are not double quotes.

[edit]And consider a book that is a little more current.

No problem, we use an open courseware model, so when I said book I should have said a .pdf lesson our professors wrote, but I'll try out your suggestions and see what I come up with, btw I used notepad++

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