Hi everyone,
Since it's the weekend, I can't get assistance from my professor or his assistant until Monday.
My deadline for submission is approaching and I'd feel a lot safer getting as much work as I can.

I'm implementing a hash table to store strings using linear probing. My implementation results in my program hanging and I would like some insight as to why it's hanging. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm sure the problem lies within my linear probing function and/or the comparison of strings.
Omitting ! produces a result but the desired one.

If you have further questions pm or email at [email removed].

Preview of the HashDef.h
I've included all the files necessary to test any modification you might make.

Thank you in advance for any help as well as for your time.

#ifndef H_HashDef
#define H_HashDef

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

class HtType
	//default constructor
	//initializes Size, the number 
	//of current elements in the table
	void ReadData();
	int hashFunction(const char *key, int keyLenght);
	void LinearProbing();
	void PrintData();
	int size;
	string word[131];
	const char *word2;
	int len;
	int hIndex;
	int HTSIZE;
	string hashTable[131];
	int IndexStatusList[131];
	size = 0;
	HTSIZE = 131;
	for(int b = 0; b < HTSIZE;b++)
		IndexStatusList[b] = 0;
	for(int c = 0; c < HTSIZE; c++)
		hashTable[c] = " ";
void HtType::ReadData() 
	ifstream DataIn;

		cout <<"Error opening data file\n";
		DataIn >> word[size];
		DataIn >> word[size];

int HtType::hashFunction(const char *key, int keyLenght)
	int sum = 0;
	for(int j =0; j < keyLenght ; j++)
		sum = sum + static_cast<int>(tolower(key[j]));
	return sum = sum % HTSIZE;
void HtType::LinearProbing()
	for(int a = 0; a < size; a++)
		len = static_cast<int>(word[a].length());
		word2 = word[a].data();               //copies string as a c-string argument
		hIndex = hashFunction(word2,len);
		//int i = 1;
		if(IndexStatusList[hIndex] == 0)
			hashTable[hIndex] = word[a];
			IndexStatusList[hIndex] = 1;
			int i = 1;
		while(IndexStatusList[hIndex] != 0)
				int addone = IndexStatusList[hIndex];
				IndexStatusList[hIndex] = addone;
			hIndex = (hashFunction(word2,len) + i) % HTSIZE;
			hashTable[hIndex] = word[a];
			IndexStatusList[hIndex] = 1;
void HtType::PrintData()
	for(int a = 0; a < HTSIZE; a++)
		cout << hashTable[a]<< "\n";	


1. It seems you don't implement any hash tables. A hash table is a container with insert, find and (may be) erase operations. But I can see only chimerical class - a mix of a fixed data file reading from unknown (for me) source, mysterious linearProbing method and final printing. Do you know that there is a wonderful C++ lexical construct called comment?..
2. Why the attachment is so big (1M) zip? All sources of your project must have a packed size less than 2-3K...
3. Next time use code tag with a language specifier:
[code=cplusplus] ... C++ source codes ...


1. It seems you don't implement any hash tables. A hash table is a container with insert, find and (may be) erase operations. But I can see only chimerical class - a mix of a fixed data file reading from unknown (for me) source, mysterious linearProbing method and final printing. Do you know that there is a wonderful C++ lexical construct called comment?..
2. Why the attachment is so big (1M) zip? All sources of your project must have a packed size less than 2-3K...
3. Next time use code tag with a language specifier:
[code=cplusplus] ... C++ source codes ...


Thanks for the advice. I didn't understand the syntax highlighting.
My program doesn't require me to use any of those functions yet.
I couldn't if I wanted to at this moment.
The linear probing should just look for the next available and empty slot in the array when collision occurs.
My hashfunction assigns a value to hIndex by calculating the ASCII value of the string.

I'm currently trying a different approach i thought of this morning.
Thanks again for your time.

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