This program is suppose to be a spell checking program and I just can not get it to work can someone please take a look and let me know what I need to do to fix it
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define wrdlen [48]
#define linelen [1024]
// A struct representing a node in a binary search tree
struct BSTnode
char word[wrdlen];// The contents of the node
struct BSTnode* left;// Links to the node's left and right children
struct BSTnode* right;
// Adds a new node to the tree. Duplicates are disallowed. Returns 1 if a
// new node was added, returns 0 if newdata was already in the tree
int insert(struct BSTnode** root, char newword[wrdlen])
// If we've reached the right place to insert, create a new node and add it in
if( (*root) == NULL)
(*root) = (struct BSTnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct BSTnode));
(*root)->left = NULL;
(*root)->right = NULL;
return 1;
// Otherwise, search for the correct place to insert
return insert( &((*root)->left), newword);
else if(strcmp(newword,(*root)->word)>0)
return insert( &((*root)->right), newword);
// If the new data is neither less than nor greater than the the data at
// the current node, it must be equal, and duplicates are not allowed
return 0;
// Returns 1 if target is in the tree and 0 otherwise
int search(struct BSTnode* root, char target[wrdlen])
// An empty tree contains nothing, much less target
if(root == NULL)
return 0;
// If the current node is what we're looking for, we've found it
if(strcmp(root->word,target) == 0)
return 1;
// If what we're looking for is smaller than this node, it must be in
// the left subtree if it exists
if(strcmp(target,root->word) < 0)
return search(root->left, target);
// Similarly, if the target is greater than this node, it can only be in
// the right subtree
return search(root->right, target);
// An iterative version of the search algorithm
int searchiterative(struct BSTnode* root, char target[wrdlen])
struct BSTnode* crnt = root;
// Keep descending through the tree until we reach the bottom or find what
// we're looking for
while(crnt != NULL && strcmp(crnt->word,target)!=0)
crnt = crnt->left;
crnt = crnt->right;
// If we reached the bottom of the tree, then the target isn't present,
// otherwise we found what we're looking for
if(crnt == NULL)
return 0;
return 1;
void spellcheck(struct BSTnode* root, char *token, int line)
//capital letters are from 65 -> 90
//lowercase letters are from 97-122
if(search(root, token))//if you find it normally then
else if(token[0] >= 65 && token[0] <= 90)
token[0] = token[0] + 32;
if(search(root, token))
token[0] = token[0] - 32;
printf("Line %d: %s\n", line, token);
printf("Line %d: %s\n", line, token);
int main(void)
FILE *ifp; //dictionary file
FILE *scfp; //file to be spellchecked
char infile[wrdlen]; //"words.txt";
char Tinfile[wrdlen]; //"test.txt"; //test file
int valid = 0;
struct BSTnode* root;
char newword[wrdlen];
root = NULL;
int i = 0;
char str[linelen];
char delims[] = ("~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\\|;:\'\",.<>/?\n\r\t ");
//ask the user for the dictionary file
printf("Please enter the name of the dictionary file you wish to access\n");
scanf("%s", infile);
ifp = fopen(infile, "r");
if(ifp == NULL)
printf("sorry, could not find that file!\n");
valid = 1;
printf("Reading file now.........\n");
valid = 0;
//read in all the words and place them into a BST
fscanf(ifp, "%s ", newword);
insert(&root, newword);
//ask the user for the file to be spellchecked
printf("what is the name of the file you would like to spellcheck?\n");
scanf("%s", Tinfile);
scfp = fopen(Tinfile, "r");
if(scfp == NULL)
printf("sorry, could not find that file!\n");
valid = 1;
printf("Reading file now.........\n");
printf("The following words were not recognized: \n");
for(i = 1; !feof(scfp); i++)
fgets(str, linelen, scfp);
char *token;
token = strtok(str, delims);
while( token != NULL )
spellcheck(root, token, i);
token = strtok( NULL, delims );