Greetings to anyone who reads this post. Actually I needed a help. I need to write a program for the Internet Browser application but don't know where to begin at. Could anyone please help me providing the information on topics that I will have to know about. I intend to do it in Java. Any help will be a great help for me at this stage.

Hi sudon hw are u? I got a sol for ur prob,u can use web languages like html,jsp etc.further u can refer to a book named "WEB ENABLED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS"
author is:IVAN BAYROSS..............and if u know sol for my problemthen plz rply friend or if u know any expert who cn help us,then plz give his contact to me..........

commented: Read the rules of the forum because you obviously haven't. -2
commented: Don't post "chat-speak" gibberish or ask for help on unrelated topics. -3

Hi sudon hw are u? I got a sol for ur prob,u can use web languages like html,jsp etc.further u can refer to a book named "WEB ENABLED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS"
author is:IVAN BAYROSS..............and if u know sol for my problemthen plz rply friend or if u know any expert who cn help us,then plz give his contact to me..........

I'm sorry, what language is that?

Greetings to anyone who reads this post. Actually I needed a help. I need to write a program for the Internet Browser application but don't know where to begin at. Could anyone please help me providing the information on topics that I will have to know about. I intend to do it in Java. Any help will be a great help for me at this stage.

You need to give way more detail than that. Are you trying to make a web browser or a web site?

I think I didn't made myself clear last time and I beg a pardon for that. What I need is to write a browser, sth link internet explorer or firefox or opera. Infact I don't need to go into such large thing but something like that. So I need a help for that. And I am not meaning any sort of web-applications here. Just a web client (browser). And I need to know where to begin at, like what programming concepts I need to have a firm grasp of (infact in Java) and similar stuffs. Thanks for the help by-the-way.

you please get help from have fine solution of your problem.

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