You are the owner of a sportswear store that sells tennis shoes of three different brands. The shoes have different prices, as follows:
1. Nike: $100.95
2. Sketchers: $125.5
3. Adidas: $92.45

Write a program that does the following:

• Ask the user to enter a product number (1 3: 1 for Nike, 2 for Sketchers and 3 for Adidas)
• Ask the user to enter the quantity a given customer would like to purchase.
• Determine and print the amount to be paid by the customer for his request
• If the product number is not between 1 and 3, print an error message indicating so, and re-enter another product number.
• Repeat steps 1 and 4 until a value of 0 for the product number is entered.
• Hint: Use a switch statement.

Finally your program should print the following:

1. The Total amount of all products sold
2. The Total number and amount sold per product
3. The most required product with its percentage

Yes but you forgot to post the code whatever you have attempted.

we are going to use switch, while loop and if/else..

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