im writeing a mud rpg game in class and i need some examples of combat systems. ive jest started programing in C++ and im in way over my head so if anyone has some examples i would be realy grateful thanks.

yes, you're in way over your head alright.
Leave programming games, and especially largescale games, to experienced people and start with beginners' tutorials.

You can NOT write the next Quake or Everquest on your own from the comfort of your bedroom, and especially not without years (think a decade) of professional experience.

yes, you're in way over your head alright.
Leave programming games, and especially largescale games, to experienced people and start with beginners' tutorials.

You can NOT write the next Quake or Everquest on your own from the comfort of your bedroom, and especially not without years (think a decade) of professional experience.

Unless you're a genius of some sort then I concur with jwenting. There are some very good programming tutorials out there for C++. Check out this Blog for a link to C++ tutorials and a cool C++ IDE:

Good luck on your programming odyssey, LamaBot

a good start is to make a simple text based rpg as it will teach you loops, switch statements, classes etc...

Unless you're a genius of some sort then I concur with jwenting. [/URL]

Good luck on your programming odyssey, LamaBot

It he were a genius though he'd not be in "way over his head" as he claims :)
He'd also have a quite different way of expressing himself.

>He'd also have a quite different way of expressing himself.
Something tells me that Einstein didn't write his Science notes in chatroom-speak... :D

i know im in over my head but its a class assignment i have to make a mud text based game with combat and im in a group with two people who cant tell their heads form a hole in the ground

> i need some examples of combat systems.
Read up on "rogue", the classic text mode game.

You have weapons, which cause variable amounts of damage
- knife, 1 to 5
- broad sword, 20 to 50

You have armour, which resists damage
- leather, 1 to 5
- plate, 50 to 100

You have skill, which affects your competence at using weapons and defence. If you have no skill, your knife attack scores 1 and your broad sword always misses. Likewise, you always get hit.
With lots of skill, your broad sword smites your enemies as you deftly dodge all attempts to harm you.

i know im in over my head but its a class assignment i have to make a mud text based game with combat and im in a group with two people who cant tell their heads form a hole in the ground

Take that up with your teacher. Approach him and tell him the others are not doing anything and effectively leaving you to do all the work for them.
(s)He should know how to deal with such situations, at the very least you'll have covered your as* :mrgreen:

>He'd also have a quite different way of expressing himself.
Something tells me that Einstein didn't write his Science notes in chatroom-speak... :D

I like real people ^ :mrgreen:

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