I need to write a programm in C++ to send a sms from a PC to a mobile phone as a part in my project, so can you please help me?


contact a service provider, they'll have APIs for you (at a price).

contact a service provider, they'll have APIs for you (at a price).

Thank you, but the problem the service provider they offer applications, but I need a code to add it to my software. I am going to add this sms code to my main code, so do you have any suggestion?

If you talk to the consumer helpdesk or salesrep, they will indeed give you (or sell you) a ready made piece of software (which is what mom and pop want).
You'll need to dig deeper, or maybe go to a specialised company, to get an API.

Thanks Salem and jwenting, I will contact my service provider...
Also I am thinking to use visual because it is easier to send sms using a GSM modem and I will connect the C++ and visual codes together...
Thanks again...

please give me the suggestion and cheapest way(cost) for sending sms from computer (linux)to mobile for project? and also we need code for that urgently

I've used the old Ericsson mobiles to read contents of SIM cards and to send/read SMSs. The commands are sent to the mobile using your serial port at 9600,n,8,1 - you will need to convert the RS232 level (+/- 10 volts) to TTL level (0-5 volts) - can use MAX232 or some transistors & resistors - or you can use a ready made cable (don't know where you'd get it - maybe eBay).

Then send serial AT commands to the mobile, as detailed in:
(there may be some Nokia commands here also?)

Old Nokia phones can be used in a similar manner. I assume a different command set is required. Check out www.siliconchip.com.au as they have some projects on using Nokia phones for sending/receiving SMSs.


I've used the old Ericsson mobiles to read contents of SIM cards and to send/read SMSs. The commands are sent to the mobile using your serial port at 9600,n,8,1 - you will need to convert the RS232 level (+/- 10 volts) to TTL level (0-5 volts) - can use MAX232 or some transistors & resistors - or you can use a ready made cable (don't know where you'd get it - maybe eBay).

it works.i connected it.but while sending sms error cms330 occured.
actually it is sms centre unknown.how will we proceed further

>msg ctrl+z
cms error330

we are trying to send message from pc to mobile by using hyperterminal using AT commands.
we have encountered a problem
while typing reciever number
at+cmgs="xxxxxxxxxxx" we got +cms:304 error
but not always.sometimes it works and we can send msg .the mobile and pc used was same.
please help us to rectify that

I've never used the cmmf=1, I've only used the default (PDU: mode 0) and it works without any probs. This does require a little extra code, but it's quite simple (packing the 7-bit characters).

I don't know which AT command guide you are looking at, but mine has completely different parameters to all the AT commands that you're sending.

I've attached the code I used to send SMSs, it's in BASIC so you'll have to convert it to C++ or I'll get kicked off this site.

i am already able to send sms by using hyper terminal. but now, i am going to add some code into to C++, so that the programe can send sms through hyper terminal. can anyone help me, pls. thanks

i need code for pc to mobile to send and recieve sms in c++

My work uses software like that can sent SMS from your computer. I think it is called Red Oxygen www.redoxygen.com but im not sure. I can send SMS from Outlook just like email. They also have an API code and it can be put into basically any program.
Hope this helps.

im online on 10 pm

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